Saturday, February 25, 2006

Top Down

top down
Originally uploaded by Sandra Maynard.
I love this photo of Brenden!

My computer's CPU took a dump sometime last week. I'm pissed.

I also have a sinus infection. I went to see the doc yesterday - I was tested for strep throat then they took X-Rays of my noggin. The doc told me the infection was 'pretty nasty' and that my maxillary sinuses were 'filled with pus'.

Ew ew ew ew ew!

I have this vision now of someone giving me a bear hug and my head exploding like a huge zit.

I just need the flu or bronchitis now and I will win Winter Season Bingo.

Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Dad and Son Day

son and dad 3
Originally uploaded by Sandra Maynard.
Yesterday Jon took care of Brenden while I worked. This time it went pretty smoothly because Jon knew to devote the entire day to Brenden, and to not even pretend to try to get any work done.

We had Hamburger Helper last night, only with deer meat. Doesn't that sound like a "You might be a redneck if.." joke that Jeff Foxworthy rejected? Actually we have a freezer full of deer meat. A friend had a banner year deer hunting, and he gave us a deer and all we had to do was pay for processing.

I know some people blanch at eating wild game, but I have a simple philosophy: "If it's dead it's groceries".

Wednesday, February 15, 2006


Originally uploaded by Sandra Maynard.
After sending an email to Nancy explaining the missing word in my post below (I'll fix it eventually), I figured I better post something to cheer her up.

Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Enjoyed our Vacation

Sleep 2
Originally uploaded by Sandra Maynard.
Happy Valentine's day, everyone.

As you can see, Brenden and I got caught up on our rest in Oklahoma.

I'm somewhat upset today - our daycare provider is closing up shop and becoming a loan officer at a bank. Jon and I spent yesterday looking at other daycare options. We found someone surprisingly close; I'm just not sure I like her as much as I like Shayne but I guess that remains to be seen.

We saw one place and I'm still bothered how the kids looked more like herded cows than kids. Brenden would never get the attention he deserves in a place like that.

I was listening to the news on the radio and heard a story about some woman who killed her baby by cutting off her arms. What the hell is wrong with people?

Monday, February 06, 2006

Climbing mom's leg

Climbing mom's leg
Originally uploaded by Sandra Maynard.
Here's my latest movie review.

Letter to Brenden Month 8

Well my darling little child: I just reread the month 7 letter; at this time last month you weren't even crawling! Just last night you were chasing the cat. He tried to maintain a dignified but hurried walk but after the 3rd time you grabbed his tail he took off running with a huffy "Meow!".

I spent this last week trying to keep you from knocking your brains out of your skull. Most of the time I was successful but every once in a while you'd fall down and go "bonk". I'm impressed by your collection of bumps, bruises, and scratches. And the foam bumper thingies I bought for the coffee table and fireplace have already paid for themselves.

Speaking of the coffee table - last night you stood in front of the table facing your dad and I. We were eating our shrimp fettucini alfredo and occasionally feeding you a small piece of pasta. I swear once we get back from vacation I'm going to start planning meals around things you can eat with us. We'll see how well that goes.

You have also once again decided you don't want to use a binky. You started up again when your two front teeth started to make their move. Now that they are through the gum line you spit it out. I'm almost sorry because giving you a binky at 2 in the morning would usually put you back to sleep. Now I just have to let you sit there and bitch because no one will let you out of your cage. Oy! I'm so tired....

Friday, February 03, 2006

4 things meme

Sunday Morning
Originally uploaded by Iguana Mama.
Nancy tagged me with the "4 Things" meme. Here goes:

4 jobs I've held:

1)Software programmer
2)Pager repairer
3)Pizza delivery person (for 1 whole day!!)
4)Breakfast cook at Mrs. Winners

4 Movies I can watch over and over:
3)Dawn of the Dead (original)
4)Toy Story

4 Places I have lived:
1)Isla Verde, Puerto Rico
2)Stone Mountain, Georgia
3)Statesboro, Georgia
4)Decatur, Alabama

4 TV shows I love:
1)Battlestar Galactica (new one)
4)Spongebob Squarepants

4 places I've vacationed:
1)St. John, USVI
2)London, England
3)Pigeon Forge, Tennessee
4)Playa Azul, Costa Rica

4 favorite dishes:
1)Arroz con pollo
2)Buffalo Wings
3)Kung Pao Chicken
4)Puerto Rican Roast Pork

4 sites I visit every day:
I visit a lot of blogs but I thought I'd keep those out.
1)Sluggy Freelance
4)Virgin Islands On-Line (forum)

4 places I'd rather be:
1)At home with my son
2)My dad's place in Oklahoma
3)Cinnamon Bay beach, St. John, USVI
4)At home with my son

I'd tag my brother Edward, but that slacker hasn't updated his blog in *months*!

PS: the photo is of Cinnamon Bay.

Wednesday, February 01, 2006

More Brenden Blatherings

Droopy Pants
Originally uploaded by Sandra Maynard.
Hey, it's the beginning of a new month. as far as my weight goes, I am finally past the 150 psychological barrier. I weighed in at 148.4 this morning. Woo-hoo!

My goal for February is around or about 143. Then I won't be too far from my prepregnancy weight of 140.

I looked back in my postings and I had porked out somewhat just before we went on vacation to Costa Rica. So the good news is I'm not too far away from wearing my old clothes, but the bad news is that when I hit 140, I'll still have 10 pounds to go.

Oh, yeah. I was going to blather about Brenden, wasn't I? Very well: 2 nights ago B and I were taking our bath when I realized one of his (many) rubber ducks was listing to port. I realized he must have taken on water (the duck, not B), so I picked it up and squeezed it.

The duck made a rather disgusting noise as water gushed out of the small hole on its bottom. Brenden started giggling. So I filled the duck up and squirted him with it. All of a sudden he was just laughing his little butt off!

Dad heard the commotion and came in and checked in on us. He took command of the duck and squirted both of us for a while as Brenden had the time of his life. It was so cute!

It wasn't so cute last night, when he woke up at 1:30 and refused to go back to sleep. Usually he does, but I could tell by the way he was complaining it wasn't going to be easy. I let him get up after a long 15 minutes of howling and gave him some water. I got tired of him pulling my hair so I put him back in his crib and he stood up and wailed for another good block of time.

I got up again and held him, hoping he had tired himself out. He had, and I let him fall asleep in my lap and put him back in bed without a complaint at about 3am. B, I love you honey but mom has to go to get up at 5! Jon was nice enough to get out of bed at 5:30 to let the howler monkey out of its cage so that I could catch a little extra sleep.