Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Fuzzy B

Originally uploaded by Sandra Maynard.

Brenden and I spent Memorial Day (and most of the weekend) with ourselves. We went shopping Saturday morning because I had to make chicken gumbo for a party at the DZ Saturday night. I have no idea if it tasted good because my sinus infection was raging again and the only thing that tasted good to me were those cheap icy-pops that Wal-Mart sells by the gross for $1.99. Plus, while I was making the roux, I didn't let it get dark enough because Brenden was standing at the kitchen gate wailing for my attention so instead of a nice chocolate brown the gumbo was an ocean-scum color. People told me afterwards that it tasted good but I think they were being polite.

Saturday wasn't all about cooking - I cleaned as well namely the pool. The pool store sold me a 50 pound bag of baking soda because the water was becoming acidic. I also bought Brenden yet another kiddie pool because he could easily collapse the walls on the one I bought for him previously. We went swimming in the big pool too, which is a quite enjoyable 86 degrees now. Brenden hates me when I take him back into the house but I'm on antibiotics and they all have vociferous warnings about sunlight overexposure. Both B and I were glopped with Sunblock 6000, but that crap washes off. Neither of us is burned, which is good because I tend to let Brenden skinny dip and I'd hate for him to have a burned willy.

Despite the relatively late hour, Brenden and I went to the DZ with the vomitous looking gumbo around 6pm and Brenden walked around the tarmac in front of the hangar and I followed until I got tired. I took him home a couple of hours later and we fought about him going to sleep. Fighting over sleep isn't as bad as it sounds, it consists of me putting him in his crib and walking away. He protests for about a minute then he finally concedes that he is indeed tired and falls asleep, on his belly but his knees pulled up so his butt is in the air. Mom told me I used to sleep like that.

We also encountered Miranda and Jason's daughter, Emma Cate, who was born 5 weeks after Brenden. She is as tall, but with super long legs whereas Brenden has these cute little legs with a long torso. She's standing up pretty well but not walking. It's tough judging Brenden's demeanor until I see him with other kids. Brenden seems to be more introverted (uh-oh). I have never seen him try to take anything from another kid (though he'll wrestle with me for the remote all the time). Emma tried to take a toy away from him (her mom stopped and admonished her). What interested me most was when Emma pushed him aside (he was sitting and toppled over) to get at a toy (it wasn't a deliberate push - he was just in the way). Brenden started crying, which I found odd - the cat could push him over incedentally, he could bonk his head off the ground, and he will laugh about it (and tackle the cat). I can't fathom his reaction to Emma. Did she scare him?

Sunday and Mondays were mirrors of Saturday with no Gumbo: playing, a little walking outside, a lot of pool time, and some dancing. Yeah, he's dancing! Well, he likes to play a song on one of his toys, then he'll look at me - if I smile and start clapping, he'll laugh, stand up, and clap and bend his knees up and down. It's awful cute.

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

The Happy Couple

The Happy Couple
Originally uploaded by nheiges.
This past weekend I made it to my friend Alan's wedding. I'm so glad I made it but I totally hosed up by not taking a day off on Monday. I hosed that up because I simply don't have any vacation time left. Piss poor planning on my part. I also messed up by leaving my camera at mom's so I will have to rip off other people's photos for any blog entries (thanks, Nancy!).

I did snap some photos of my mom's place, which I shall post as soon as I find the time. Mom was happy to see Brenden and B did remarkably well there even though he tried to dig up some plants and bust open a bottle of wine. He only ate a few rocks and woodchips as well as a little dirt. Mom fed him cheese so he decided she was cool.

As for the wedding - it was pretty spiffy. I was nervous as I always am in a social situation where I don't really know anyone (everyone I did know was in the wedding party). Alan's mom remembered me even though we hadn't seen each other since Alan and I were in college together. The first time I got to see Helly she was walking down the aisle and I must say she chose a very beautiful and elegant wedding dress. She walked down the aisle to a cover of "Kashmir" which was different. She also chose elegant looking dresses for her 2 bridesmaids - the dresses had sleeves and no butt bows which I think is a first in recorded history (not true I kid! - the dresses Nancy had for her wedding were nice, too). The gents wore tuxes, but the sharpest dressed there was Lachelle, who was one of Alan's groomspersons. Somebody better post pics!

I was amused by how many people greeted me with "oh, yeah! The skydiver!" when I introduced myself as Alan's friend. I was totally flattered, however, by the people who knew me from reading my blog (hi, Mikey!).

The food was tasty and the Guinness was cold and I got to exchange maybe 4 words with Helly. I feel really bad I didn't stay longer, but then again I'm happy I made the effort to go. It would have been easy to make an "I'm too busy" excuse. As Alan pointed out, Alan, Mark (and Nancy), and I made it to each other's weddings. "The circle is complete".

Congratulations many times over, Alan and Helly. I will do my best to get back over there soon so I can spend some real time with my old (and new) friends.

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Letter to Brenden Month 11

Originally uploaded by Sandra Maynard.
You are almost a year old and you have done more leaping development in the last month. You walk just fine now - you rarely fall down unless you come across an uneven surface. When we were at your grandparents' place we really enjoyed watching you navigate over the threshold of a door (very carefully). Ilu is highly impressed that you don't want to hold someone's hand while you walk.

You can do some limited sorting - you can put a round toy into a round hole - you can't handle anything with corners yet. I get thrilled though when I demonstrate something to you and you try to do it - this mostly concerns putting something into something else. You also like to play with my hairbrush and try to brush my hair, or yours, or the cat's. Sometimes you like to try to put the hairbrush in my mouth or in the cat's butt. Fortunately you haven't succeeded on either count.

Your love of water amuses us all. I can let you play in the bathtub forever and you would stay. I wish the pool were warmer. I am going to get you a kiddie pool for your birthday.

You like to clap your hands and shake your head. When you first shook your head, your dad and I were a little freaked until I read that kids just like to do that because it feels neat. I would write about something else you do that feels neat when I change your diaper but I don't want to duly embarrass you when you finally get old enough to read this. You clap your hands because of that freakin' Baby Tad sing-along doll that sings "when you're happy and you know it clap your hands..."

You don't really say anything resembling english yet, although sometimes you will repeat 'mama' or 'dada' if we say it first.

Oh, yeah. You are ticklish. You poor child! Don't tell anybody.

My Family

Originally uploaded by Sandra Maynard.
Happy birthday to you,
Happy birthday to you,
Happy birthday Bill Paxton,
Happy birthday to you!

Monday, May 15, 2006

Waiting for Breakfast

Waiting for Breakfast
Originally uploaded by Sandra Maynard.
We're back from Oklahoma, where I had no internet access and watched far less TV than I normally do. We were going to take the Cessna, but bad weather forced us to drive. It's a ten-hour trip and Brenden was surprisingly good. He fussed some but he had no breakdowns.

Dad and Ilu's place is pretty much finished except some work in the kitchen. It is gorgeous, and the best part of the trip for me was sitting on the porch in the back yard and listening to the birds twitter. It was cold, which was a surprise.

Brenden had a great time when he discovered the dog's water bowl. He loved splashing it all over the place. When he got wet, I would strip him down to nothing and keep filling the bowl for him to splash. He actually tried to sit in it which promted us to buy him a little kiddie pool. The kid is part polar bear, I swear! He sat in that damn thing until he shivered but he loved being in the water. I'm thinking of buying him a little pool here for when I don't want to get wet.

Jon and I took dad's 4-wheelers up the side of a mountain (what passes for a mountain in Oklahoma that is). Scary but fun! I have to thank Dad and Ileana both for putting up with us, as well as Brenden's 2am crying sessions.

I owe a letter to Brenden, which I shall get to soon. I have a busy catch-up week.

Saturday, May 06, 2006

Best Friends

Best Friends
Originally uploaded by Sandra Maynard.
Just a quick note - B, Jon and I are heading to Oklahoma for vacation for the next week. I'll be sure to take lots of bad photos!

Thursday, May 04, 2006


Originally uploaded by Sandra Maynard.
Monkey-boy smells pretty good. When his diaper isn't loaded, that is.

Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Random Non-sequitur Photo

Old Junk
Originally uploaded by Sandra Maynard.
The Revenge of the Sinus Infection

I wrote a few months back about having a bad sinus infection. It has not cleared up all the way, and I wonder how long I have actually had it. I'm beginning to think I have had sinus problems since before Brenden was born.

Why? Because I finally talked to a doctor about it yesterday, when I went in about my sinuses again. Apparently a symptom for a chronic infection is a loss of a sense of smell. I told my doctor that my ability to smell has become completely null, and I know this because I can put my nose in close proximity to one of Brenden's messier diapers and can't get even a faint whiff. In the meantime my husband, who is in the other room, is making gagging noises from the odor.

If I had to lose one of my five senses, smell would be my choice but I sure do miss it. Is there anything better than the smell of fresh garlic and onions being sauteed in olive oil? And many women have come up to Brenden and just stuck their noses in his hair, breathed deeply, and sighed: "I just love the way babies smell!"

I wouldn't know, I have never smelled him.

I can't smell cut grass, the cat's fur, or a burning candle. I can't smell anything I'm cooking, and that means I can't really taste it either. Of all things it makes me feel lonely.

So self-pity aside, I honestly thought I was losing my ability to smell because of my age. Now it looks like it is the infection, which means there's a cure (hooray!). The doctor prescribed me a more aggressive antibiotic treatment, along with a gentle decongestand, an orally ingested steroid (Prednisone, natch) and Rhiniocort, a corticosteroid. The latter I'm already taking (in the form of Nasonex). He said if it doesn't clear up this time he's going to refer me to a specialist.

The good news is this morning, I got into my car and realized it smelled like cold Burger King onion rings (Why? I don't eat those). I got to work, made a cup of coffee, and remembered how atrocious the coffee is at work because it smells like burnt ass. I put some Tropical Coconut lotion on my hands and I can smell it!

I'm already planning to cook something for dinner that requires me to saute garlic and onions, and I'm really looking forward to smelling Brenden. Even if his diaper is dirty.