Friday, February 25, 2011

Investigating the Kitchen

Kitchen, originally uploaded by Sandra Maynard.

I'm slack, I know it.

We had our first thunderstorm in our new house last night. The winds got up to 60 mph. No damage to us but there was a tree down in the park. 4 or 5 more good storms and the park will be treeless.

Yesterday I stayed home and waited for repair guys. Our toilets were making funny burble noises so the roto-rooter guy came out and hunted for the septic tank. He said it hadn't been emptied in like forever. He also had to clean out the drain pipe between the septic tank and the house - could someone tell my why anyone would use cheap trailer pipe, not even a quarter inch thick, for sewage? I've priced PVC pipe at Lowe's and it's not that expensive. If you already have the damn trench dug, put in the good stuff so you won't have to do it again.

Still, I'm loving the new house. There's so much room compared to the old house. I've already bitched about the stove top, and the laundry room is claustrophobic. Other than that, and the cheap-assed repair work I've seen (all easy to fix correctly, thank goodness), I'm pretty happy.

For the kitchen we're going to put in a longer island with a gas range in the center. I've already ordered the range. We're also going to eventually take that wll out where the oven is so the kitchen will be more open to the living room.

That reminds me: looks like we have the airplanes sold. We just got wired the remaining money. I'm not going to breathe easy until the new owners take possession of them. Then we have to jump through all the fun hoops to close the business.

So next on the agenda, besides closing the business, is getting the old house on the market. In the meantime, next month we're going on a cruise. Yay!

Tuesday, February 08, 2011

It's a done deal

IMG_4219, originally uploaded by Sandra Maynard.

Yesterday we signed 30 bazillion pieces of paper and now we have a new house! Photos soon come, I promise. That is all.

Friday, February 04, 2011


IMG_0109, originally uploaded by Sandra Maynard.

Not much is happening. We got some more snow last night. Big, fat, fluffy flakes. Then it started raining and it ruined it all.

What I'm watching:

Red I've been wanting to see this movie since I first heard about it and I was somewhat disappointed. I think the problem was the plot was too pedestrian meaning I guessed everything before it happened. The cast looked like they were having fun but I wish they got more to do. I mean if you have Helen Mirren in your movie as a hit man let her whack a bunch of people not just one or two. Also, instead of having the lead's love interest kidnapped so the last third of the movie gets where it's going, why not have her get more involved with the action? Have Helen Mirren teach her how to shoot mooks with a sniper rifle, something like that. And Karl Urban never took off his shirt, not once. What's the fun in that? He got to be the butt monkey somewhat, but again, the script didn't take it far enough. Potential was wasted all over the place in this movie.

Eh, it wasn't that bad I just expected more.

On the other hand, The Expendables was exactly what I thought it would be. It was a violent throwback to old 80's action movies. The best thing about this movie was it was 99.99% serious so it was even more funny than if they tried to be tongue-in-cheek. The cast was wonderfully hyper-macho (Sylvester Stallone, Jason Statham, Jet Li, Dolph Lundgren, Mickey Rourke plus cameos by Bruce Willis and Arnold Swarzenegger) and there was plenty of HoYay although it was a little squicky. I mean Stallone is in his mid-60's! He didn't take off his shirt, thank goodness.

Jon and I did talk about this movie after it was over - mainly we were marvelling about how intensely ugly Mickey Rourke is. He fell out of an ugly tree roughly the size of a redwood and he's still falling and hitting branches.