Thursday, July 30, 2009


Red Brenden, originally uploaded by Sandra Maynard.

Getting The MRI itself was uneventful. I'm glad I'm not claustrophobic is all I'll say. My doctor's office called this morning and the doc must have seen something in the MRI because I'm being referred to a specialist. A specialist of what, I neglected to ask. I also neglected to ask for a hint of what the doctor discovered.

The specialist's receptionist called after lunch, and I'm scheduled for an appointment August 18th and the specialist is A FREAKING SPINE SURGEON. I finally asked some questions but his receptionist was clueless. I called back to my doctor's and he and his nurse are gone for the day so I have to call back tomorrow morning.

You know, my seemingly constant medical problems had me believing I'm some kind of hypochondriac. But wtf am I supposed to think now?

In other nicer news, Brenden washed the dishes last night. He was pretending to be Spongebob working at the Krusty Krab (Brenden likes to cook and makes some good scrambled eggs, too). Every once in a while he would walk over to me (I was sitting at the table reading my Kindle) so that I would have to say "Get back to work, Spongebob! Yer losin me money, Spongebob! Think about the customers, Spongebob!" in my best Mr. Krab's voice. He thought it was great fun. Me, too, arrr.

Monday, July 27, 2009

Randomized Post

Brenden Zoe and Jayne, originally uploaded by Sandra Maynard.

I definitely think my pinched nerve is getting better. I woke up Friday and noticed my arms didn't feel like they were falling off. Waking up is always when the pain is at its worst and I think it's because I try to sleep on my belly so my arms are under my pillow. But anyways they ached and were annoying but I wasn't whimpering like a kicked puppy. I have an MRI scheduled for tomorrow, anyway. I wonder if that vertabrae I broke when I was 15 is involved.

Even though I have given up skydiving and I don't really miss it, I am totally envious of my husband. One of the fun things about skydiving is finding different types of aircraft to jump out of. In my illustrious career I've jumped out of King Airs, Queen Airs, Twin Otters, Super Twin Otters, CASAs, Skyvans, Caravans, Cessna 172s, a Cessna 195 (with a radial engine! that was so kewl!) and fleets of Cessna 182s. I've jumped out of Bell and Sikorsky helicopters and on two memorable occasions hot air balloons.

But I, and the vast, VAST majority of skydivers have never jumped out of dirigables. Yes, my darling husband was down in L.A. (Lower Alabama) jumping out of a BLIMP! And to put salt on the wound he got paid for it! Most of the time you have to pay through the nose to jump out of something exotic like that. It's pretty nifty, he was a stunt double / camera man for a commercial for a Casino down there somewhere. Photos I hope (plus a link to the commercial, eventually) soon come.

Brenden is taking advantage of my disability - Sunday I took him to the local Dairy Queen to play in their enclosed play area. He and whatever kid available were having a terrific time, but after 2 1/2 hours my butt was getting sore so I told him we were leaving. To my embarrasment he fought like hell with me. Disgusted, I gathered everything and headed for the car. My intent was to put everything I could in the car so I could have 2 arms available. I was going to go back and throw him over my shoulder if I could (and whack his bottom good if I couldn't). But instead I turn around and a nice lady was leading him out of the store and he ran to me crying his head off! I was so embarrassed - he thought I was leaving him! Maybe I should have explained to him what I was going to do.

Instead of spanking him I gave him a hug and told him I would never leave him somewhere like that. Sheesh, I felt like such a shmuck. Still, it got him out of the play area...

Speaking of Brenden, I love that he will play with anyone, no matter the age, sex, race, whatever. I so hope he maintains that and doesn't let peer pressure convince him that girls have cooties or people with better suntans are inferior to his pink butt. So I love how much he loves Dora the Explorer. Never mind that she (and Diego, and Handy Manny, whom he likes as well) are hispanic, but one of his heroes is a girl! Well he of course is in awe of Sandy the Squirrel (he thinks I was named after her), but he really enjoys Dora. I hate the commercials I've seen for toys like Dora's make-up kit and Dora's kitchen. They don't need to make her more appealing to girls like that. The only thing I can see that doing is alienating the boy fans she has. Boo!

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Guess What?

chickenbutt, originally uploaded by Sandra Maynard.

Nerve is still pinched; I haven't done much the last week but pop pills and complain so I'll limit the complaining.

The doc has ordered the MRI; I don't know when it will be scheduled because the insurance company has to okay it first.

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Doctor's Visit

IMG_3024, originally uploaded by Sandra Maynard.

The doc ordered some x-rays, and said "Yep, you have a pinched nerve in your neck."

I actually don't know if he saw anything at all in the x-rays; that's just what he told me.

He also said most cases clear up on their own. He prescribed me more painkillers and muscle relaxants plus a week's worth of my old friend Prednisone. If it doesn't clear up or at least start getting better in a week, then he'll recommend a specialist.

I slept better last night, so maybe it's getting better.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Another good post to ignore

A matter of perspective, originally uploaded by Sandra Maynard.

So I think I have won Old Person's Disease Bingo. I think I won Saturay, when I started experiencing a little aching in my forearms. As the day wore on the ache spread to my shoulders, and I managed to sleep for a few hours but I woke up with my back and arms on fire.

I called Jon and asked him to come get me to take me to the hospital when it became apparent to me that the pain was not going to go away. Stacey watched Brenden for us and we went to Decatur hospital. It's a shorter trip to Hartselle's little ER but Decatur is better equipped. I had a hard time staying still in the car seat and that was an excruciating 15 minute drive.

We didn't have to wait long but the entire time I couldn't sit or lay down; I had to continually walk around with my arms crossed over my chest.

I'm having a tough time remembering everything, but the doc eventually ordered some shots for me including a muscle relaxant, a steroid, and "morphine". "Morphine" is in quotes because I'm convinced that there was nothing but water in that syringe. I paced for 20 minutes while the muscle relaxant did it's job. While I was far more relaxed about it, none of the pain went away so I complained but the doc waited another 20 minutes before he gave me something real.

I think I woke up long enough to say "Yep, that did the trick" and I vaguely remember the drive home.

So what the hell is going on? I think it's a pinched nerve in my back. The doc gave me prescriptions for a painkiller and a muscle relaxant, and I don't need them until I go to sleep and then I need them again when I wake up because of pain. The symptoms: burning pain up and down both arms, I can't extend my left arm all the way without more pain, numbness and tingling both forearms and hands, and a loss of strength in my left hand.

Bummer. I go see the doctor tomorrow. If I need another operation I'm going to scream.

Friday, July 10, 2009

Wednesday, July 08, 2009

Ignore this post and look at the fuzzy kittties

Snug and smug, originally uploaded by Sandra Maynard.

I'm tired today and desperately want coffee. I have not succumbed yet, however.

I'm sorry that XM and Sirius merged. I lost my favorite station, Fred, and 1st Wave is a poor substitute. The new stations all seem to have less variation. I try to listen to Lithium, for instance, the 90's station, but dammit, all they play is Smashing Pumpkins, Nirvana, and Pearl Jam. I know for a fact there were more than 3 popular bands from the 90's.

I'm listening to Octane as well. It's difficult for me to describe the music. Much of it is hard rock, I suppose, with some reminding me of what I would call progressive. Matter of fact I keep hearing music that reminds me strongly of old skool King Crimson, not that there's anything wrong with that. It keeps reminding me that I only have "Red" on CD. I need to get "Starless and Bible Black" and "In the Court of the Crimson King".

The band that reminds me strongest of King Crimson is Tool, only without all the frippery.

Tuesday, July 07, 2009

Sandy's Choice

IMG_3027, originally uploaded by Sandra Maynard.

Jon and Brenden traveled to South Carolina for Jon's brother's twin's christening. I stayed home and freed myself from the evil clutches of caffeine. I had to do it; I'm pretty sure caffeine is one of my triggers for migraines.

I'm pretty sure alcohol is one of my triggers, too. I couldn't bring myself to give up both of them, not at the same time, so I made what I thought would be an impossible choice - give up the beer of give up the coffee. May nobody reading this have to make such a horrible choice. It's not Sophie's Choice, but it's darn close.

It has been over 100 hours and I'm doing fine. I'm surprised; I'm sure I've been addicted to caffeine for the last 40 years. Maybe my body is just living of a large residual effect and I'm going to crash in 2010 sometime.

Jon and B had fun; Jon reports compared to other kids Brenden is an angel. *Heh!*

Speaking of angels our two new kitties are devil's spawn - especially Jayne. Now if you remember I picked out Zoe and B picked out Jayne. But Brenden prefers Zoe so now she's his kittie and I'm stuck with the cat they call Jayne.