Tuesday, April 26, 2005

Sandy and BFK

Sandy and BFK
Originally uploaded by Sandra Maynard.
This is how I spent my Tuesday. I stayed home to sleep out the cold. Jon snapped this photo of Big Fat Kitty and me. My belly is so big he can no longer sleep next to me when we're on the couch.

Monday, April 25, 2005

Week 33

Arg! I've managed to dodge the sick bullet during all the pregnancy but I think I have a cold. Sniff!

I had a non-stress test today and Brenden passed with flying colors. Basically I'm hooked up to a monitor that monitors heartbeat and contractions. I have to press a button every time I feel the kid move. Brenden was actually quieter than he normally is, but he still did good.

I'm so glad I'm getting closer to D-Day. 7 weeks, maybe less. Sorry for all the cat blogging - I can't seem to think of anything clever to say. Pet my kitty, if you know what's good for you.

Spooky Pooky

Spooky Pooky
Originally uploaded by Sandra Maynard.
Ha Ha! Bla! Bla! Bla!

*I* am the Most Evil Kitty in the UNIVERSE!! Bow down to me, lowly dogs, and bring me SNACKY TREATS! Preferably the crunchy ones with moist centers. Mmmmmmmm! And skritch me behind the ears! NOW!!! Bla! Bla! Bla!

Friday, April 22, 2005


Originally uploaded by Sandra Maynard.
This cat gets just more evil and more fat...

Vasquez: Z-z-z-z-z-z-z....
BFK: Sleeep, Vasquez! And give me all your kitty treats! Sleee-uh, hi mom! Mom, wouldn't *YOU* like to sleep now? Sleeep, mom sleeeeeeep! You will bring the broom out so I can chew on it! You will leave glasses of koolaid on the coffee table so I can tip them over! Moooooom! Sleeeeeeeeep!
Like Nancy and Krystal, I felt like blogging the daily grind:

5 am: Alarm goes off; think about getting up. Sometimes I do, sometimes I sleep until 6. Husband is snoozing away no matter what. I'll work myself into a sitting position, then clumsily get out of bed. The cats will immediately get off the bed and run into the kitchen. They will have to wait for their food as I hobble off to the bathroom then find some clothes.

6 am: Feed the cats, make/drink some coffee, eat a bagel or a bowl of Cheerios. Sometimes I make myself a bowl of Malt-O-Meal. Mmmmmmmm! When we lived in Puerto Rico, a great aunt would send my mom care packages of stuff you couldn't get there. That included boxes of chocolate Malt-O-Meal for me occasionally. I LIVED for that stuff!

Anyway: dig through the fridge to find something for lunch - it always includes a navel orange. Sometimes if I get up real late I'll just make a lunch run somewhere. No wonder I weigh 185 lbs. I'm out the door by 6:30 - 6:50 for my 35 minute commute to Madison where I work.

7 am - 11 am: First half of my workday. I get most work done now as I'm not sleepy yet. I'll check my mail, review my notes from yesterday to figure out where I'm at. Usually I'm fixing code or adding code for an upgrade. I get up to use the restroom at least 3 times an hour. On the way back I'll grab some decaf. Occasionally I'll stop what I'm doing and try to convince Brenden that he doesn't want to knee me in the spleen so often.

11 am - 1 pm: My lunch is only 45 minutes, and I take it sometime during this period. If I have any errands to run I go now. Usually it's to the bank to deposit something or to Wal-Mart to pick up something.

1 pm - 4 pm: Same as 7 - 11, except at a slower pace because I'm fighting sleepiness. Sometimes I go walk around the building to wake up. Sometimes I go walk around the building because Brenden refuses to let go of my spleen.

4 pm: Now is my 35 minute ride home. I usually listen to NPR both to and from work. Otherwise I'd have to listen to Conservative Talk Radio, and there's only so much of that I can take. NPR might be liberal, but at least they talk about other things besides politics and sometimes I hear commentary from the other side.

5 pm - 7 pm: Somewhere in here I cook and we eat dinner. Lately I have been taking horrendous short cuts. I'm just too pooped out to care whether dinner came out of a box or not. Thank Odin I have a husband who loves Hamburger Helper!

7 pm - 9-10 pm: What's on TV? What's on TiVo? If it's Monday it's 24, if it's Tuesday it's American Idol. After that, we head to our separate computers and play games until bedtime. Bedtime rolls around and I roll into bed. Big Fat Kitty insinuates himself between Jon and I. I try to adjust myself and my body pillow to get comfortable. Maybe Vasquez will climb the box stairway to the top of our bed and sleep near my feet.

10 pm: Get up to use the bathroom.

10:15 pm: Get up to use the bathroom.

10:30 pm: Get up to use the bathroom.

11 pm: Get up to use the bathroom.

12 am: Get up to use the bathroom.

2 am: Get up to use the bathroom.

Jon took the Temperment Sorter test. He scored ENFJ, which was close to my prediction of ENFP. Judging by the descriptions I would say he's more J than P but I bet the percentages were close. He is %100 Extroverted, by the way. Amazing that he married someone who is %100 I.

Last time we went to the counselor, she asked me if I was prepared to have an Extroverted child. I can see the advantages to both. If Brenden is extroverted, it will be easier for him to get along in the world. On the other hand, if he is introverted, he will have one parent who understands where he's coming from and not begrudge him his "me time".

One of the big problems of introverts is we do tend to be selfish, but not, I think, in a bad way. Most of us have a live and let live philosophy. We want to be left alone so we normally assume most other people do too. When our assumption is wrong is when we get into trouble. God knows how many people I have upset because I didn't pay any attention to them when they needed me to. On the other hand I don't need to be the center of attention and I don't bear many grudges. I may blink at you funny if you ask for my help, but I will most likely say 'yes'. I will probably have to be sorely in need to ask you for help back.

So I'm an Introverted Thinker married to an Extroverted Feeler. It's a nice complement, but it's also a recipe for disaster if you don't take time to understand what makes the other person tick. In our case, I am referring to both of us. Thank goodness that we both are working on that.

Another thing the counselor said: She said having a child will cause a Thinker to get more in touch with her Feeling side. I'm not completely convinced that's a good thing. *Someday* I'll elaborate on that idea.

Thursday, April 21, 2005


Originally uploaded by Sandra Maynard.
Hypno-kitty says:

MOOOOM! You are getting sleepy, Mom! You will bring me all the kitty treats! You will bring me toilet paper to play with! Sleeep! Sleeeeeep! Sleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep!

Wednesday, April 20, 2005

Week 32

Yeah, I know. Slacker slacker slacker! I have 50 days to go. I am experiencing more tiredness and fatigue, and something as complicated as emptying the dishwasher gives me excruciating back pain. I am waddling more and more like a penguin. Waah waah waah...

My obgyn visits have accelerated to once a week, and this coming Monday the visits will now include what are called "non-stress tests" where I lay down and they monitor the baby's heartbeat for 15-20 minutes. Apparently because I'm an elderly gravida (older person having a kid - who the HELL came up with that term? Probably the same sadistic bastard who came up with the term "incompetent cervix". Just what an anxious woman needs to hear: "well, your cervix is incompetent, besides that, you're an elderly gravida so we have to watch you closely". Sorry for the long parens but dang it someone needs to come up with kinder words). Anyway, because I'm an elderly gravida there's a chance my placenta will poop out too early. Wait, that sounded wrong. I mean it might start deteriorating before the baby is at term. So the docs are going to keep a closer eye on me and baby.

Oh, by the way, I'm an Elderly PRIMA Gravida, thankyouverymuch.

I had my last scheduled visit before the kid is born with my cool Allergist Dr. Krishna. He's happy with my continued progress and so am I. Despite the deep breathing I have to do because Brenden likes to shove his feet into my lungs my allergies and athsma are well in control.

As for Brenden, he is laying head-down now, so maybe I will have a normal labor. I'm still chickenpoop about natural; I've been reading alot about us elderly gravidas experiencing more prolapses and stuff. Plus there's this: Dooce's hilarious and horrifying recount of certain postpartum activities. And her husband is a saint! A saint, I tell you!

I still like to amuse myself by lifting up my shirt and watching my belly move. I probably shouldn't do that in a public area. But people should knock before they enter my cubicle! Sheesh!

My sister visited me the weekend before last. Since Jon was out of town we hung out for the day. It was a nice, low-key visit. She showed me a bunch of pictures of her cats and she managed to even pet Big Fat Kitty a few times. Vasquez of course was all over her. She's looking forward to spoiling the kid. Andrea, not Vasquez; although I'm certain she will try to sleep on the kid's legs given half a chance.

My brother is looking forward to spoiling Brenden too. He finally came over and skydived last weekend. He freaked out when I let him feel the baby move. Men! I'm still going to try to make it to his wedding, which is on the 21st of next Month.

So anyways Jon came home last Thursday having gotten an important task out of the way: he is now a certificated Airframe and Powerplant mechanic. Any time someone thinks about opening a drop zone, other dzos alway tell him or her to be able to do everything. Jon is a videographer, instructor, tandem master, master rigger, commercial pilot, and now A&P mechanic. He has to be all these things because these skills are rare and expensive to hire. By being able to do everything, other people can't as easily hold our business hostage because we desperately need something done. Jon's next tasks are to get his multiengine pilot's license (so he can fly the King Air), and his instrument rating. He has more ratings than an overzealolus girl scout has badges. Which is cool; I'm very proud of him. If he wants to do something he sets out and gets it done.

Tuesday, April 12, 2005

Week 31

Hoo boy. Less than 9 weeks to go. Less than 60 days. Yegads! I am feeling pretty good. Nothing new to report in the health department except I'm getting more sleepy and Brenden is getting all wiggly.

I have been reading with rapt fascination a site that Helly linked to on her blog: Etiquette Hell. The Wedding Etiquette stories are absolutely riveting and guffaw-producing (and wince producing).

I was abashed by people bitching about people putting everything in the store in their registries. I always do that so that people have plenty of things to choose from with different price ranges, not so I can have the whole damn store! Each and every gift I have received I deeply appreciate, from the least expensive to the most. I hate to think someone felt obligated to get us anything and are now grumbling behind my back about how greedy I am. Loot is terrific, but you know what? We're not poor and I'm not exactly keeping a list of those who did not offer up tribute. That's ridiculous. Someone got Jon and I a pack of Huggies and a 12 pack of beer, which are great gifts as both products will be desperately needed (though I doubt that the beer will still be around when Brenden is born).

And I would like to recount some of my wedding experiences. All have been pleasant, for the most part. the first wedding I ever went to was my friend Nancy's. I was clueless about weddings then. Looking back it was most definitely the nicest one I've been to. The only thing that upset me was the guy I was dating at the time stood me up. Turns out we had broken up; he never bothered to tell me though.

I've been to my mom's which was very nice and informal. Her husband's family outnumbered us about 10:1 but I think we made up for lack of numbers with enthusiasm.

My then-boyfriend Jon took me with him to Salem, Massachusets in 99 or 2000 I forget which because he was going to be the Best Man at a friend's wedding. I liked both the bride and the groom, but man did I feel out of place. His grandmother was nice enough to let us stay at her house. The wedding was nice, as was the reception. The only thing that SUCKED was that Jon sat with the wedding party, and I sat with all the other WP dates at a table in the back. It was very uncomfortable for me. I think I would have handled it better now, as I'm getting better at talking to strangers (owning a small business and being an instructor has done that much for me). I don't blame them for arranging things the way they did, but I swore I would not separate dates if I got married (which I did not, but then again our wedding was ultra informal).

Like I said, I liked the couple, but they angered me when they couldn't be bothered to attend our wedding. Jon went out of his way, literally, to do all his duties as best man. We weren't rolling in dough or anything but Jon arranged the bachelor party, got the hookers strippers, beer, etc. to make sure Rob had a good time. I was angry because I know it hurt Jon.

Speaking of our wedding. I wanted to elope in Vegas, but Jon got that look in his eyes. So we decided to have a skydiver wedding. We knew a skydiver who was both a Universalist/Unitiarian preacher, and he worked cheap ($50, a free jump, and a 5th of Jack Daniels). The Drop Zone owners were gracious enough to let us use their DZ for the party. I was really thrilled at who and how many showed up. One jerk asked me how many marriages that made for me. He meant to be insulting. He was always an asshole anyway. I never did get my dream of dumping a can of soda on his camera equipment. So Prick, I mean Rick, please come visit our drop zone. Please!

Anyway, we did the brief ceremony on the ground, but did the "I do's" in the air. Our wedding load were good jumpers, but I wanted some friends in there too (at that point I had less than 200 jumps. The people I jumped with were usually at my skill level). I seem to recall I got some on board. As for how you say "I do" in the air, we did it with hand signals.

Even though it was informal as hell, I was stressed out. I was so happy that after the jump we tapped the beer. If I have anything to brag about, it's that we have one of the more entertaining wedding videos (that has not been shown on "World's Funniest Whatever"). Someday I'll post pics.

Sunday, April 10, 2005

Yet another BFK shot

Yet another BFK shot
Originally uploaded by Sandra Maynard.
Dammit! This didn't post the first time around. Big fat kitty at his biggest and fattest. He looks pensive because my sister's in the house and he's just not sure about strangers.

Baby's Room

Baby's Room
Originally uploaded by Sandra Maynard.
Time for a little photo blogging. Here is Brendan's crib. Eh heh. Heh heh heh. Heheheheheheh. Heh. Sorry.


Originally uploaded by Sandra Maynard.
This is one of my sister's gifts to Brenden. It's an adorable Eeyore rattle.

Pookie on the bag

Pookie on the bag
Originally uploaded by Sandra Maynard.
Kitty sleeping on a black bag. Vasquez is doing good for a 19 year old kitty.

Thursday, April 07, 2005

Well now I am such a slacker. I'm not updating as much as I'd like to and the last post I posted was so humdrum. I'd blame the kid in my belly but really i'm just being lazy.

I'm still going through the loot gifts we received at the shower. We must have gotten a million disposable diapers, which is about a week's supply from what I understand. With the exception of a few miscellaneous items, I think we're ready to have this kid.

Don't laugh!

I really don't have much to say right now - I'm irritated because the IT dept at work will no longer let us go to blogger's home page. One nasty side effect is I can't post comments to anyone else's blogs! I guess I should be grateful I can read them at all.

Speaking of work, (I don't think I'll be Dooced for this) I have a new boss. Nothing happened to my old one he just is so damn busy he delegated some of his authority to someone else. I think this is a good thing. The new guy is a good guy and he knows the products better of our little 7-person group.

And I have a new link to Helly's blog. I noticed she linked to me recently plus she has one of the funniest blogs out there. The adventures of her door slammin' neighbors is well worth perusing.

Monday, April 04, 2005

Week 30

Woo-hoo! I'm 3/4ths of the way there. Just 10 more weeks more or less of lugging this kid around in my belly. He's riding high and pushing against my diaphragm which is a lot of fun when you're trying to breathe.

Jon is away getting something else he needs done before the baby gets here. I went to the grocery store this afternoon and stocked up on ready-made crap. I should try to cook myself something yummy, but I have zero energy.

The baby shower was amazing; Brenden will be the most spoiled DZ brat *ever*. And I know some dz brats and that's saying something! Saturday was breezy as I'll get out but Sunday was perfect. It was the type of day that made me miss skydiving horribly. Oh, well.