Monday, January 30, 2006

Standing up

Originally uploaded by Sandra Maynard.
I don't know why, but ever since Brenden learned to crawl inch-worm style, his physical development all of a sudden took a quantum leap. I was getting a little worried at the beginning of the year, because he didn't seem to want to learn how to sit up, or to crawl. He seemed happy with just rolling everywhere. I started working with him on sitting him up as did Shayne. He didn't take to it until he started the inch worm. Then all of a sudden: boom! He figured out a real crawl from that point in about 2 weeks, mastered sitting up, and as you can see from this picture, he can pull himself up to a standing position. Holy crap -he's going to be running in a marathon in a few months.

I had a blast watching him over the weekend struggle to stand upright. He'd fight and grunt and sweat like he was climbing Mount Everest and every once in a while I'd see his head peeking over the coffee table. He'd lose his grip, fall or sit, and then bitch about it for a while. I'd make sure he hadn't cracked his head open then leave him alone. Finally he figured it out.

Jon lowered his crib mattress as far as it would go last night. It was a good thing, too because B woke me up this morning and he was standing up in his crib, his eyes just peeking over the railing. He seemed to be saying "bust me outta this joint, lady! I need my formula fix!"

Friday, January 27, 2006

Oklahoma again

Ilu and B 2
Originally uploaded by Sandra Maynard.
Hey, cool beans!
Brenden and I are going to go to Dad's place when Jon goes to Puerto Rico so that Ileana can spoil him some more.

We're going to fly out to Little Rock and Ilu's going to pick us up. It should be interesting flying with B. No we haven't taken him up in the Cessna yet. We're going via commercial airlines - thank goodness both airports are small ones - Huntsville and Little Rock. Going through security will be much easier than going through say Atlanta or Memphis.

I got Brenden his own seat because holding him, even for just an hour, will be almost impossible. That boy likes to crawl!

Monday, January 23, 2006

Mr. B

Mr. B
Originally uploaded by Sandra Maynard.
El Jefe is doing much better. He also put everything together and is crawling everywhere. I spent the weekend following him as he cleverly found the gaps in my baby-proofing plans.

At one point yesterday, I let him crawl into the kitchen with me. I was washing his bottles when he crawled up to my feet, grabbed one of my legs, and started chewing on my sweatpants. I called him an "anklebiter".

Weightloss is steady: I weighed in at 150.6, which I know is a little higher than last Monday, but this weigh-in was without all the dehydration.

I'm way jealous of my husband. He is going to Arecibo, Puerto Rico, to skydive in a few weeks. We tried to think of a way for all of us to go, but it just boils down to 1) time, 2) money, and 3) taking care of Brenden. Maybe some other time.

Thursday, January 19, 2006

The real reason dinosaurs became extinct

If it looks like B doesn't look too good in this picture you aren't mistaken. Brenden had been running a fever the last 3 days. The doc said he was probably fighting a viral infection like a cold.

Tuesday night he woke up and he was just burning. I took his temp and it was 103.4. I called the doc's after-hours service and the nurse on duty advised me to give him some children's tylenol, let him drink as much liquid as he wanted, and give him a warm bath.

We got his his temp lowered to about 101 and then I let him sleep a little bit. He woke up about 45 minutes later all sweaty and crying, but his fever had broken. Emergency room trip avoided.

And you also might notice from this pic he's sitting up. He doesn't tip over any more, either. Once he started trying to sit up it didn't take him long to perfect it.

Monday, January 16, 2006

Hey, check it out: no pics of Brenden today! Maybe later.

I weighed in today at 150. If you are following along, I was 155.8 at the beginning of last week. Food poisoning can take a chunk out of your weightloss, although I don't recommend it.

This entry is just a quick note: To Nancy, to prove I read my comments: By your command I have resumed writing movie reviews for Cinemablend. Also: I hope you and Anthony feel better soon. Being sick sucks.

Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Carrots for Dinner

Carrots for Dinner
Originally uploaded by Sandra Maynard.
My ingenious child has come up with 2 different methods of locomotion! Both are fairly unique among the baby set:

You already know about his 'steamroller' method. Now he has learned how to undulate towards something. Really! He'll rock back and forth on this hands and knees, then throw his arms forward. He'll then lay down on his belly and pull his knees underneath him, then lift up on his hands and knees again.

I'm so proud! *sniff!*

Monday, January 09, 2006

Plush Invasion

Plush invasion
Originally uploaded by Sandra Maynard.
Brenden laboriously sat up yesterday evening! Totally unassisted!!! And as I sat there in awe of his accomplishment, I realized he had no real concept of gravity. I hurriedly stuck a pillow behind him just as he toppled over. Life at Chez Maynard should be highly entertaining the next couple of weeks as he refines this skill.

My weight loss has resumed; I am at 155.8 as I type.

I got tagged to do the 5 wierd things about me meme by Helly. So here goes:

1) I am more in touch with my masculine side than with my feminine side. I always have been. Now while I insisted I didn't care what the sex of our baby would be, I admit I breathed easier when we found out he is a boy. I was worried about how to raise a girl because I was never into that girly-girl crap. I hate dresses and makeup, and I never had one fantasy about my wedding. Matter of fact, my fantasies resemble action movies more than historical romances.

2) I love fruit, but I hate it baked into anything. That's right, I don't like apple pies, peach cobbler, or strawberry ice cream although the fruits that go into these concotions are awesome. Pies should have chocolate or meat in them.

3) I can't smell shit. Literally. I can't smell anything at all, for that matter. It drives me nuts. I presume it's due to my allergies. I tend to spice up my food to the nth degree because of this problem.

4) Oh, no. I can't tell you that. It's too wierd.

5) Elevators make me nervous. I can't stand them and I'll take stairs any time it's possible. I have no idea why; I'm not claustrophobic.

Saturday, January 07, 2006

Letter to Brenden Month 7

Sleeping Comfortably
Originally uploaded by Sandra Maynard.
Well, Brenden. Last month I blathered on about my own childhood. I don't much feel like dragging up the past at the moment.

This last month saw you put on a pound (you now weigh 21 pounds). You still don't crawl, but it's just a matter of time before you do.

Your newest trick is discrimination. If you are playing with something, like a tube of cortizone creme, you whine if I take it away from you and reject whatever I give you as a replacement, like a toy.

You are eating finger foods, sort of. You will laboriously pick a baby snack off your tray, gum it, and chew whatever comes off. Some of it ends in your stomach, most of it ends up on your face, hands, clothes and carpet. Still, you are starting to feed yourself. Those tacos are just around the corner, honey!

We can get you to sit up, but most of the time you just let yourself fall over and you roll wherever you want to go.

And you are talking up a storm! You rarely wake me up by crying anymore. Most of the time you are just laughing maniacally to yourself in your crib.

Oops! You are wakening from your nap. We need to get ready to go visit daddy at the drop zone. We love you, honey!

Tuesday, January 03, 2006

Tour Time

Tour Time
Originally uploaded by Sandra Maynard.
Last thursday the family packed up in the Family Truckster and headed to Chattanooga to the aquarium. It was enjoyable, but crowded.

We weren't the only ones with kidlets - the crowding was caused by all the little beasties out of school. I will miss being able to go places when it's not crowded when Brenden starts to school.

El Jefe, by the way, really enjoys the view from dad's shoulders. He got a kick out of all the people, fish, and other assorted animals. He never fussed once.

And now for somethig completely different - I know I haven't made any kind of comments on my attempts to lose weight. I kinda took December off. The good news is I didn't regain much - right now I weigh 157.6.

So I'm trying again now.

Sunday, January 01, 2006


Originally uploaded by Sandra Maynard.
Happy New Beer, everybody!

I finally snapped a picture of Brenden's 2 teeth. Considering how grouchy he's been lately, I have a feeling his top 2 teeth should be making an appearance soon.

I have many resolutions, but the two most important:

1) Be nicer to my husband
2) Watch more movies.