Friday, December 05, 2008


Pabst Blue Ribbon, originally uploaded by Gregory Brown.

70. Atticus Finch - To Kill A Mockingbird (Gregory Peck): I'm so terribly embarrassed to say I've never seen this movie! So uh yeah, he belongs on the list. I mean, if you say 'Atticus Finch' I know from which book/movie he hails plus I know Peck plays the part, so he must be a popular character, right?

69. Keyser Soze - The Usual Suspects (kind of a spoiler, isn't it?): Spoiler spoily spoily spoily spoil.

68. Napolean Dynamite - Napolean Dynamite(John Heder): Definitely memorable. Will he be remembered 10 years from now, though?

67. Frank Booth - Blue Velvet (Dennis Hopper): As much as I bitched about Jack Nicholson playing himself, Dennis Hopper played himself here with an over the topping of psycho assholishness so I'm happy with Booth's appearance on this list. I nominate Sting from Dune here if we're going to mention David Lynch just for fun.

66. The Bride - Kill Bill Vol. 1 & 2 (Uma Thurman): I like Tarantino's work and I love over-the-top asian action movies. Heck, I like Ms. Thurman! I'm glad to see any female characters here but overall, I dunno. These movies were a little too self-indulgent. Not that I haven't watched them several times. I nominate the three ladies (Tracie Thomas, Zoe Bell, and Rosario Dawson) in the second half of Death-Proof for my favorite women in a Tarantino movie.

65. White Goodman - Dodgeball: A True Underdog Story (Ben Stiller): Nah. I nominate Steve the Pirate (Alan Tudyk). I like Steve the Pirate *much* better than White even though he's an asshole's asshole. Heck, I like Steve better than Jack Sparrow.

64. Withnail - Withnail & I (Richard E. Grant): I'm not embarrassed to say I haven't watched this movie. I haven't even heard of this movie. This list's pomegranite roots are showing. Mr. Grant's an underrated actor and I've liked him in everything I've seen. We won't talk about Hudson Hawk though.

63. Wall-E - Wall-E : I have to complain that it's too early for Wall-e to be on the list, but only because I'm going to whine about the same thing with the #3 entry. Otherwise, I'm happy with this choice.

62. Mathilda - Leon (Natalie Portman): Also Known As The Professional in the U.S. Shoot, why isn't Jean Reno on this list somewhere? Actually I'm glad Natalie made this list here and not with Amidala.

61. R.P. McMurphy - One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest (Jack Nicholson): Here's Nicholson's other character and this movie should be on everyone's must-see classics list. Speaking of, it's a damn shame Louise Fletcher's Nurse Rached isn't here because she is one of the scariest and most unforgettable characters EVAR.

1 comment:

Anonymous Me said...

Wow, you've really got to see To Kill A Mockingbird. It's a great movie.

"Pomegranite roots" - what does it mean?

There is a certain percentage of the population who will remember Napoleon Dynamite on their deathbeds. (I could be one of them.)

Frank Booth - very, very creepy. Unforgettable.