Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Buffalo = Nummeh

Buffalo, originally uploaded by Sandra Maynard.

Happy anniversary, Jon! >MUAH!<

Yep, we've been at it for 9 years. Neither of us remembered until Ileana sent me an email this morning congratulating us.

We went to Ruby Tuesday's, which most recenly traded in its old 70's lamps for new 70's lamps, and I had a bison bacon cheeseburger (hold the fries and bun). VERRRRY tasty.

For our 10 year we are planning to visit Puerto Rico. I hope some airlines are still flying at that point in time. Not that I expect them to go out of business, but I suspect in the not too distant future the CEOs of said companies (along with many harried employees) will be tarred and feathered considering the widespread complaining that's going on.

Brenden is back to his old self, though when he thinks we're watching he'll hobble around like a cripple because of the shots he got in his legs. The boy is %100 ham.

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

"I love the smell of bacon in the morning"

Boodle bacon, originally uploaded by dulcie.

"It smells like.... bacon!"

Brenden got sick enough Sunday that we took him to the emergency room that night. He had a 103 temp and he was shaking. While waiting, he puked all over his dad, poor kid. (Poor dad).

They don't know what it was but he was miserable. They gave him an antibiotic shot which hurt like mad. Yesterday I took him to the pediatrician and they gave him another antibiotic shot which hurt so bad he was limping around almost all day.

Guess where Jon and Brenden are right now? At the doc's, getting the last shot. Glad I'm not there. What really sucks is I bet it was one of those ubiquitous viruses so the torture shots are pointless.

Still, I have a hard time ignoring doctor's instructions.

Anyway, the bacon reference is I'm back on a low carbohydrate diet. I'm also hitting the weights. I've been at it for 2 weeks and I've dropped 8 pounds (yes, most water weight but not all) and I feel better than I have since before Brenden was born. RLY!

Friday, August 22, 2008

Meme fun

Meme fun, originally uploaded by Sandra Maynard.

I've been meaning to do this for a while - I borrowed the idea from Nancy. Basically I searched Flickr using the keywords I came up with when I answered the following questions. Sometimes I didn't use just the first page of results just because.

First name: Sandy
Favorite Food: Steak
High School: Stone Mountain
Favorite color: Blue
Celebrity Crush: Damian Lewis (2nd guy from the left. And the woman next to him, Sarah Shahi, I have a girlcrush on her)
favorite drink: Guinness
Dream vacation: St. John
Favorite dessert: Ice cream
What do I want to be when I grow up: Rich
What do I love most in life: Dreaming
One word to describe me: Lazy
Flickr name: Beesmom

Monday, August 18, 2008

Itteh Bitteh Fisheh

Disco fish, originally uploaded by Sandra Maynard.

Happy Birthday, Honey! >MUAH!<

Jon is 14 today. I mean 38. Wow, he might catch up with me yet!

Lesson learned this weekend: never take Brenden with me when I shop of bras. Upon entering the intimate apparel section of Target, he said "WOW!" and started fondling the nearest selection with gusto. Eesh.

There is still nothing new in the world to report.

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Big Fish Small Fish

bigfishsmallfish, originally uploaded by Sandra Maynard.

I'd blame my lack of posting on being busy but that simply isn't true. The truth is nothing is happening. Brenden continues to grow gills and his potty training is going well. His use of the English language continues to improve but he's still most fluent in Brendenese.

For instance "Maha veegay!" means "I want to play on your computer, mom!" and "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO" means "I disagree".

I've been fooling around with some freeware photo editors, and I am pleased with the results. This photo used to be murky blue but the way it looks now is closer to the truth.

Friday, August 08, 2008

Tuesday, August 05, 2008

anouncers, originally uploaded by Valerie ReneƩ.

Skip Caray, long time Atlanta Braves' sports announcer, died Sunday. I was very sad to hear this - he has been announcing Braves games for a litle longer than I've been a Braves fan. He started in 1976, I started in like 1980 or maybe a little earlier - I remember watching baseball on WTGS because that UHF station (later to be WTBS) would show tape delays of the games, and I was a nightowl, and that was the only thing on TV that late. That and Hogan's Heroes reruns.

Skip had a wonderfully dry, sarcastic sense of humor, and when he got excited about something, it was something to be really excited about. The 1991 season stands out especially, when the Braves for the first time in God knows how long made it to the World series.

Like many Atlanta fans, I turned the sound down on the TV for the playoff / series games to listen to Skip, Don, and Pete (and Joe) on the radio because Joe Morgan and Tim McCarver just plain sucked.

I watched the pregame show Monday night on SportsSouth and cried some - sometimes you don't realize that something is a constant in your life until you lose it.

On a related note, I don't think I ever wrote here that I'm glad I got to go to Wrigley Field and sing along to 'Take Me Out To the Ballgame' with Harry Carey (Skip's dad) during the 7th inning stretch before Harry passed away. This was in 1990. I hope Turner Field memorializes Skip in some way like Harry is at Wrigley.

Monday, August 04, 2008

Concerning my bum

.Little Orange Starfish., originally uploaded by tassiesim.

It's A-OK. (whew)

Saturday, August 02, 2008

In case of zombies...

In case of zombies..., originally uploaded by Drunken Monkey.

I scored Z+, of course!

Friday, August 01, 2008

Nothing to post. Just Nothing.

Twinkle, Twinkle, Patrick Star,
I made myself a sandwich.
My mommy named it Fred,
It tastes like beans and bacon,
And smells like it's been dead.
Writing stuff is hard so I use a pointy pencil
Pointy, Pointy, Pointy, Pointy, Pointy, Point.
P.U., what's that horrible smell?
I have a head,
It ends in a point
Pointy, Pointy, Pointy, Pointy, Pointy, Point.
This song is over,
except for this line,
You win this round,