Friday, August 01, 2008

Nothing to post. Just Nothing.

Twinkle, Twinkle, Patrick Star,
I made myself a sandwich.
My mommy named it Fred,
It tastes like beans and bacon,
And smells like it's been dead.
Writing stuff is hard so I use a pointy pencil
Pointy, Pointy, Pointy, Pointy, Pointy, Point.
P.U., what's that horrible smell?
I have a head,
It ends in a point
Pointy, Pointy, Pointy, Pointy, Pointy, Point.
This song is over,
except for this line,
You win this round,


Helly said...

Drum solo!

How bad is it that I knew all the words to the entire thing without having to read your entry? And I don't even have kids.

Yah, I is pathetic.

Topcat said...

You're pathetic?!?

I am stoked, absolutely STOKED about the new Spongebob eps premiering next week!!