Tuesday, December 27, 2005

Very Happy

Very happy
Originally uploaded by Sandra Maynard.
Brenden at 6 months and 3 weeks. I think he's teething again, although I can't see anything new in his mouth. I have to be careful about sticking my fingers in there because he has a pretty strong bite now with his 2 lower teeth.

Anyway, we had a terrific Christmas. B got a bunch of loot of course.

Sunday, December 25, 2005

Trying to Crawl

Crawling 2
Originally uploaded by Sandra Maynard.
Merry Christmas, everybody! Brenden can only rock back and forth, and he showed me how happy he was that I broke his concentration as he practiced.

Friday, December 23, 2005


Originally uploaded by Sandra Maynard.
Brenden says "thank you!" to his Abuela and Grandpa for the noisy toys. He especially loves hammering on the keyboard.

Thursday, December 22, 2005

Poo boy

Originally uploaded by Sandra Maynard.
I think Heather's poop stories are the best. This one caused a coworker to come running into my cubicle because I sounded like I was choking to death.

Speaking of poop, Shayne told me she accidentally let one of Brenden's legs go when she was changing a particularly well-filled diaper yesterday. Yep, you guessed it. He stuck his bootied foot into the diaper and started flinging poo all around the room. Shayne reacted by accidentally letting the OTHER foot go, and poo went everywhere until she summoned enough courage to catch his poo-covered feet. Hey, it happened to me once. Now I hogtie him before changing a poo diaper. OK, not really, but I do get a deathgrip on his ankles.

Hey, get got on all fours yesterday! He can only rock back and forth, but I bet he'll be doing a real crawl in a few weeks! God help us all.

Wednesday, December 21, 2005

Cute Pooky

Cute Pooky
Originally uploaded by Sandra Maynard.
This post is in response to Alan's comment:

Yes, my mom's cat Tildy lived until about 20 - 21 years of age, and my sweet kitty Vasquez (pictured here) is 19. Cats live to long ages in my family for some reason. Probably because we spoil the hell out of them.

Tuesday, December 20, 2005

Sandy, B and Ralph

Sandy, B and Ralph
Originally uploaded by Sandra Maynard.
I posted this before but here's a better perspective on just how big, fat, and hairy a Norwegian swamp kitty could get.


Originally uploaded by Sandra Maynard.
Ileana told us that Ralph the Norwegian Swamp kitty passed away last Friday at the ripe age of 19. I believe that's 133 in cat years. I should live so long.

His big fat hairy presence will be missed by all who knew him.

Monday, December 19, 2005

6 and 1/2

Originally uploaded by Sandra Maynard.
Yeah I'm a slacker. I told you that Civ 4 would cause me to disappear. As you can see by Brenden's face he's none too thrilled, either.

His Royal Majesty is learning how to sleep through the night the hard way. Yes, we are not catering to his every whim at 2 in the morning any more. I make sure he's okay and not swimming in a soiled diaper, then I leave him alone to howl.

That does suck. He complains - where's my bottle? Where's my hug? I want to play, dammit!

On the other hand, he slept through the night last night so maybe the pediatrician is right: he was only getting up because we were letting him get up.

Now I need to train myself to sleep through the night. I don't remember how.

PS: Brenden has 2 teeth now. Wish I could get a photo.

Friday, December 09, 2005

Playa de Isla Verde

Playa de Isla Verde
Originally uploaded by Markus Masataka.
Letter to Brenden Month 6

Sorry, B; I'm a wee bit late with this letter. Blame your father. He bought me Civilization IV, 4th in a series of Sid Meier games that have helped me waste more time than anything else in existence. Yes, I'm including television.

So what shall I talk about this month? Well, at your 6 month check-up you weighed 18 1/2 pounds - I think you would have weighed more if it wasn't for that stomach virus you got at Thanksgiving. You took your immunization shots well even though you were a little cranky during the rest of the day. The doc told me you shouldn't eat at night any more - to feed you water instead and to make sure I brush your one little tooth.

So now I gotta start ignoring you at night so you can learn to 'self soothe'. Oy! Easier said than done.

Instead of reiterating all the things you have done in the past month (the neatest of which is your desire to play peek-a-boo constantly) I'll regale you with boring moments from my own childhood.

I have few memories of before Puerto Rico - I can't remember much of Missouri at all. So few I wonder if they are memories. But then again we moved to P.R. when I was three years old. My first memory from there was my mom teaching me to say 'buenas noches'. We were in a hotel, I think.

I have said before in my blog: my memory is not linear so forgive me if I jump around.

We first lived in a small place in Rio Piedras. I remember I buried a model airplane somewhere and I was never able to find it again. I still have dreams about searching for it. How's that for messed up? We lived somewhere else after that. Parkville? Park Place? Or was that the name of the school? I recall going to Kindergarten a while there. I remember an easter egg hunt at that school and finding a candy necklace. I also remember reading ahead in a 'See Spot Run' book despite our teacher telling us not to. I remember an argument some boys had about whether playing with a girl made you a 'sissy' or a 'tomboy'. (Fact: I was a tomboy, but my boy friends were *not* sissies!)

Most of what I remember is from when we lived in Isla Verde, in an apartment building along the beach (creatively titled Beach Tower). This area was high tourist. The apartment building was 'L' shaped, with one side of the building paralelling the ocean. We lived on the 10th floor facing the ocean. If you walked along the beach you would eventually walk past big hotels. If you walked in the other direction, however, the first thing you would run into was a walled cemetary. I loved playing on the rocks near the ocean near the beginning of the wall. During winter time when the seas were rougher more of the rocks would appear. By summer the sand would have covered them up again. I remember being totally fascinated by this phenomenon. Near the apartment building was a big tree that I climbed once but got stuck. I think my dad got me down. I eventually got the hang of climbing and I got particularly adept at climbing palm trees.

I remember a swimming pool shaped like a tennis raquet. Where was this? I think it was some sort of country club type deal but I don't remember much else. I remember a gift shop there and walking around in it with a wet swimsuit on. WTF? Is that a random memory or what?

I remember several movie theaters - most movies were in English with Spanish subtitles. Many T.V. shows were dubbed in spanish but some, particularly those shown in prime time, had a simulcast over FM radio of the english soundtrack. I recall this huge theater with a balcony section where I saw such great movies as Dirty Harry and Jaws. I think it was the same theater. I also remember seeing Midway, Blazing Saddles, Two Minute Warning, and Earthquake (in Sensurround!). Astute movie geeks will note that quite a few of those movies listed had Chuck Heston in them. I was totally bummed when he bit it at the end of Earthquake.

I went to grade school at a private English School (San Juan School By the Sea, and yes, it was by the sea). I think I went to Kindegarten there, too. We stayed there until we moved back to the states when I was 13 (in 1977). I hate the fact that I resisted learning Spanish. What was I thinking? Knowing two languages is a valuable skill. Considering how many Spanish speaking people live in the U.S. that skill would be twice as valuable.

But I digress: near the end there I never went out to play; I just stayed indoors and read and watched T.V. The apartment building put a fence between the building and the ocean, and paved a lot of the area in between. This will probably happen to you too, Brenden: you will look back at parts of your childhood and wonder why the hell you didn't appreciate what you had when you had it because eventually you will lose it.

I'll wrap it up here. This random sampling of memories doesn't even come close to describing that time in my life. I'm sure I'll eventually bore you with more.

Oh, crap. I'm such a non-reflective person that when I start digging at memories I get surprised when they flood in on me.

Monday, December 05, 2005

6 Silly Months

6 Silly Months
Originally uploaded by Sandra Maynard.
Brenden at 26 Weeks

Heh heh. I love this face.

Dang, I can't believe tomorrow he'll be 6 months old. He's trying so hard to crawl. He can lift himself to the crawl position, but he isn't coordinated enough to actually crawl. He can get around, however. He still hasn't figured out how to roll over a pillow, so I have pillows stationed wherever I don't want him to go. I hope this will last until I get off my fat butt and buy some gates.

I need some with cat flaps, however.

Speaking of my fat butt: I'm down to 156.2 pounds, well below my target for November of 160. Therefore my target for the end of December is 150 pounds. I can all ready tell a difference. Woo-hoo!