Monday, December 05, 2005

6 Silly Months

6 Silly Months
Originally uploaded by Sandra Maynard.
Brenden at 26 Weeks

Heh heh. I love this face.

Dang, I can't believe tomorrow he'll be 6 months old. He's trying so hard to crawl. He can lift himself to the crawl position, but he isn't coordinated enough to actually crawl. He can get around, however. He still hasn't figured out how to roll over a pillow, so I have pillows stationed wherever I don't want him to go. I hope this will last until I get off my fat butt and buy some gates.

I need some with cat flaps, however.

Speaking of my fat butt: I'm down to 156.2 pounds, well below my target for November of 160. Therefore my target for the end of December is 150 pounds. I can all ready tell a difference. Woo-hoo!

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