Like Nancy and Krystal, I felt like blogging the daily grind:
5 am: Alarm goes off; think about getting up. Sometimes I do, sometimes I sleep until 6. Husband is snoozing away no matter what. I'll work myself into a sitting position, then clumsily get out of bed. The cats will immediately get off the bed and run into the kitchen. They will have to wait for their food as I hobble off to the bathroom then find some clothes.
6 am: Feed the cats, make/drink some coffee, eat a bagel or a bowl of Cheerios. Sometimes I make myself a bowl of Malt-O-Meal. Mmmmmmmm! When we lived in Puerto Rico, a great aunt would send my mom care packages of stuff you couldn't get there. That included boxes of chocolate Malt-O-Meal for me occasionally. I LIVED for that stuff!
Anyway: dig through the fridge to find something for lunch - it always includes a navel orange. Sometimes if I get up real late I'll just make a lunch run somewhere. No wonder I weigh 185 lbs. I'm out the door by 6:30 - 6:50 for my 35 minute commute to Madison where I work.
7 am - 11 am: First half of my workday. I get most work done now as I'm not sleepy yet. I'll check my mail, review my notes from yesterday to figure out where I'm at. Usually I'm fixing code or adding code for an upgrade. I get up to use the restroom at least 3 times an hour. On the way back I'll grab some decaf. Occasionally I'll stop what I'm doing and try to convince Brenden that he doesn't want to knee me in the spleen so often.
11 am - 1 pm: My lunch is only 45 minutes, and I take it sometime during this period. If I have any errands to run I go now. Usually it's to the bank to deposit something or to Wal-Mart to pick up something.
1 pm - 4 pm: Same as 7 - 11, except at a slower pace because I'm fighting sleepiness. Sometimes I go walk around the building to wake up. Sometimes I go walk around the building because Brenden refuses to let go of my spleen.
4 pm: Now is my 35 minute ride home. I usually listen to NPR both to and from work. Otherwise I'd have to listen to Conservative Talk Radio, and there's only so much of that I can take. NPR might be liberal, but at least they talk about other things besides politics and sometimes I hear commentary from the other side.
5 pm - 7 pm: Somewhere in here I cook and we eat dinner. Lately I have been taking horrendous short cuts. I'm just too pooped out to care whether dinner came out of a box or not. Thank Odin I have a husband who loves Hamburger Helper!
7 pm - 9-10 pm: What's on TV? What's on TiVo? If it's Monday it's 24, if it's Tuesday it's American Idol. After that, we head to our separate computers and play games until bedtime. Bedtime rolls around and I roll into bed. Big Fat Kitty insinuates himself between Jon and I. I try to adjust myself and my body pillow to get comfortable. Maybe Vasquez will climb the box stairway to the top of our bed and sleep near my feet.
10 pm: Get up to use the bathroom.
10:15 pm: Get up to use the bathroom.
10:30 pm: Get up to use the bathroom.
11 pm: Get up to use the bathroom.
12 am: Get up to use the bathroom.
2 am: Get up to use the bathroom.
Jon took the Temperment Sorter test. He scored ENFJ, which was close to my prediction of ENFP. Judging by the descriptions I would say he's more J than P but I bet the percentages were close. He is %100 Extroverted, by the way. Amazing that he married someone who is %100 I.
Last time we went to the counselor, she asked me if I was prepared to have an Extroverted child. I can see the advantages to both. If Brenden is extroverted, it will be easier for him to get along in the world. On the other hand, if he is introverted, he will have one parent who understands where he's coming from and not begrudge him his "me time".
One of the big problems of introverts is we do tend to be selfish, but not, I think, in a bad way. Most of us have a live and let live philosophy. We want to be left alone so we normally assume most other people do too. When our assumption is wrong is when we get into trouble. God knows how many people I have upset because I didn't pay any attention to them when they needed me to. On the other hand I don't need to be the center of attention and I don't bear many grudges. I may blink at you funny if you ask for my help, but I will most likely say 'yes'. I will probably have to be sorely in need to ask you for help back.
So I'm an Introverted Thinker married to an Extroverted Feeler. It's a nice complement, but it's also a recipe for disaster if you don't take time to understand what makes the other person tick. In our case, I am referring to both of us. Thank goodness that we both are working on that.
Another thing the counselor said: She said having a child will cause a Thinker to get more in touch with her Feeling side. I'm not completely convinced that's a good thing. *Someday* I'll elaborate on that idea.
Getting Things Organized
8 years ago
1 comment:
I'm an ISTJ - also an introverted thinker. Literal, organized and methodical, uncomfortable expressing feelings or emotions. What was your whole score/letters?
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