Wednesday, March 02, 2005

I can see clearly now the rain is gone
I can see all obstacles in my way
Gone are the dark clouds that had me blind
It's gonna be a bright, bright, bright, bright, sun shiny day

I had an appointment with my psychiatrist this morning. She's happy with the results of taking Zoloft, and so am I. I described it to her as being able to think clearly again. Or perhaps the best way to put it was I had all these voices drowning the real me out and now I can hear myself think again.

Look at the ticker at the top of the page. Double digits, woo-hoo! Last night I woke up about 2:30 and hit the head. Came back and Mini-Jon insisted on practicing his gymnastics routine for about 20 minutes. Hey, I don't mind. Yet.

After feeling guilty numerous times about some of the choices I've made concerning the baby (namely not breast feeding), I started web-surfing for information and observations from other folks. One interesting shit storm was started by an article that appeared in Newsweek. The article was basically about women trying to do everything. Three bloggers I read made comments on it. One was by James Lileks, where as a stay-at-home dad he doesn't sweat the same things women do and Fisks the article pretty hard. Of course, some other SAH dad(I forget where I read it) observed that he could "feed my kids Cheetos and Jack Daniels, and let them play with hypodermic syringes in the middle of the street" and people would still tell him he was doing a great job. On A Small Victory, a woman blogger talks about the Cult of Motherhood and how many mothers tend to be judgemental towards other mothers, probably because they are trying to justify their overworked behavior.

Which led me to this fascinating blog: Chez Miscarriage. She has several absorbing entries about drive-by mommies ("other mothers frequently say crappy things about other mothers"). The comments section is eye-opening.

Incedentally, her blog is a remarkable journal about infertility and well worth perusing.

But I learned some things from all of these articles. A: I'm not worrying so much about all the choices I need to make. B: I won't be so judgemental about other people's choices. If I have said anything here that was a drive-by, feel free to smack me if you ever see me. I have to say I have not been hit yet by anybody or maybe I simply didn't take offense. I've certainly gotten a lot of interesting advice.

Oh! Some people have touched my belly. Funny, I didn't take offense by that either. First off they were all friends; second they all did it with such reverence it was funny.


Susanne said...

Just wanted to say hello and good luck with the baby. What an exciting time. You're in the homestretch now.

Anonymous Me said...

Those were great links - I read Lileks and Asmallvictory. There's a lot of pressure out there if you bow to it - sounds like we should stay away from the Mommy groups!

Helly said...

I find it so odd that people feel free, or even compelled, to tell other people how to do something as personal as raise their children. It would probably never occur to those same people to walk up to you in line at Linens N' Things and say, "Green is a terrible color for a bedroom comforter. You HAVE to use burgundy!" yet they will presume to issue child-rearing edicts to complete strangers.

And by the way - never feed your child that horrible frozen orange juice concentrate. Use fresh squeezed. I'm just sayin'.