Monday, December 13, 2004

Week 15

Below is something I tried to post Friday:

According to this little software countdown timer on my desk, I have exactly 180 days and 22 hours away from giving birth. Hooray!

The Singulair has done wonders for me.

I also have nothing to say.

Oh! I wanted to say congratulations to my brother and his wife-to-be Jenn. Yes, that's right; he popped the question. They are getting hitched late in May.

For your reading amusement, here's a link to a Christmas special that no one wants to believe exists: The Star Wars Holiday Special and a link to my latest review: The Hole.

And now for this week. Next monday is the Amniocentesis. Whee.

My next reviewing project will be Mystery Science Theater 3000 Volume 6, which is a compaliation from one of the strangest shows ever to be shown on cable.

Way back in 1990, I was channel surfing and I had a WTF moment when I stopped on the Comedy Channel. They were showing a movie (I believe it was Robot Holocaust, I could be wrong) and at the bottom of the screen there was a silhouette of a guy and two robots who made sarcastic comments about the movie. It was pretty funny.

I eventually became addicted to the series, especially after they showed The Catalina Caper, a truly bad beach movie; and one of the robots (Tom Servo) sang a beautiful love song, "Creepy Girl". At that point I was hooked. I eventually took to videotaping the series so that my friends could see the series I incessently talked about. Of course those tapes have long disappeared. Too bad we didn't have TiVo back in the day.

The series eventually moved to the Sci-Fi channel and since we didn't get it I quit watching.

The show lasted 10 seasons and even spawned a movie. I have bought some of the movies, notably The Sky Divers and Manos, the Hands of Fate. I really need to track down some of my old favorites, like Godzilla VS Megalon (featuring "Rex Dart, Eskimo Spy!"), Wild Rebels ("I'm in it for the kicks, baby!"), The Pod People ("It stinks!"), among others.

The series spawned a few odd things, like one of the first memorable internet flame wars when co-creator and series regular Joel Hodgson left the show to be replaced by series writer Mike Nelson. In retrospect, like all flame wars, it was silly. For the record, I liked Joel better, but Mike did just fine when Joel left for greener pastures.

And now I'm getting a screener of 3 MST'd movies, including Teenagers from Outer Space, which is a real classic that features TORTURE!!! Oh, this will be fun!

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