Wednesday, October 06, 2004

I was saddened to hear that Rodney Dangerfield went gentle into that good night. I must rewatch Back To School in his honor soon.

A stray skydiver and his girlfriend came over for dinner last night. I made Chinese food and we watched The Punisher. It was okay. I'm not sure whether I like a brunette Thomas Jane, but yow does he have a nice chest! Plus this movie beat the heck out of the Dolph Lundgren version. Recap: undercover officer is involved in a bust that gets a crime lord's (John Travolta) son killed. Crime lord has all of officer's family killed. And I mean the whole, extended family! Said officer is left for dead, but of course he's not, so he comes back and wreaks vengeance - I mean, punishment - on crime lord's business, friends, and family. It's based on a Marvel comic book but the plot reminded me in some ways of Mad Max. And it took a while for him to turn into the sadistic bastard I remembered him as.

I have to go on a business trip to California in a few weeks. Jon, bless him, is going with me. How cool is that?

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