Wednesday, August 25, 2004

And more:

21: I do not like to kill spiders. Spiders eat bugs. The enemy of my enemy is my friend.
22: I am allergic to all furred and feathered animals. Therefore my favorite animal is the frog.
23: I ate frog legs once. I still suffer from horrible guilt.
24: I love all forms of cats despite allergies; especially tigers. Cute and fuzzy predators.
25: I once tried to save a falcon who got injured by a cat. He died.
26: I have worked as a security guard, pager repairer, cook, and pizza deliverer - among the jobs I don't write about.
27: I am afraid that I am incompetent at my chosen jobs.
28: I love maps.
29: My husband's nickname is Curley.
30: We went and saw Mars Attacks on our first date.

I received a flat tire yesterday coming home from work. I called Jon, who was in Huntsville at the time, and he said he would be right over to help me. I got impatient so I started to change the tire myself. A nice man driving an Ace Hardware truck stopped and offered his assistance. I think it's best to be wary of opportinistic men; having said that it is also important to let men act gallantly whenever possible. I consider it a good behavior to encourage. He took over and I was on the road in 5 minutes.

2 of Damian Lewis' movies will be shown at different film festivals coming up in the fall (Toronto, New York, and Chicago). Not only will Brides be shown, Keane will also be debuted. The latter I haven't talked about because of contradictory information. Directed by Lodge Kerrigan, it concerns a man with schizophrenic episodes who is trying to find his abducted, 6 year old daughter. Schizophrenia is often confused with multiple personality disorder, by the way; this movie doesn't make that mistake.

This news has caused a great rumble in the Yahoo mailing group dedicated to his royal Gingerness. Many are plotting to stalk planning to go to the various festivals in hopes of running into him. And I really don't want to make fun of these women; when he did a play in England over the winter, many went and met him. The ones who bragged about it behaved like ladies (for the most part) and report him to be a nice fellow (who smells good and likes oatmeal raisin cookies). Some posted pictures they took of themselves next to Damian (usually getting a hug); sometimes I wish I didn't get so in a bundle about the way I look. These women aren't supermodels. They look like me. Except they smile.

Any way, I'm not planning to go. I shall live vicariously through their trip reports.

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