Thursday, July 29, 2004

Day 4 PSMF: Dang it! 139.8 again! (Temp:97.5) Oh, well. I did notice something wrong with my calorie count. I had the totals wrong for the tuna I eat (every frickin day). I was eating twice the amount I was recording. It doesn't translate to that many extra cals (175), but it could explain a little of the problem. Or maybe I should just quit worrying about it. Shoot, it's only been three days.

It does mean I can slack off a little and not eat as much during dinner. Which is good; I feel like I'm eating too much at dinner any way. Just for microobsession, I calculated that one gram of tuna protein is costing me $.014 ($.50 a can at Wal-Mart) and one gram of chicken breast protein is costing me $.026 ($15 for a bag of 14 at Sam's Club). Therefore, eat the same amount of tuna and cut down on the chicken.

In other news I did a level 1 AFF yesterday afternoon. Good student (military guy). He was left over from Sunday; he couldn't jump because some thunderstorms rolled in. It's nice to get a jump in in the middle of the week after sitting on my butt all day at work.

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