Nothing happened yesterday. I got home, let the frog out of the pool, made dinner, then finished beating up on the Greeks in Civilization. I joined Jon on the couch where we watched a few episodes of Cops then went to bed. The end.
I am going on yet another diet. This one is due to health reasons. My acid reflux is getting worse despite the Prilosec treatment so I just have to face facts and I have to*sob* quit drinking beer for a while. Maybe a long while. I also need to quit eating so damn much. I'm not going to watch the scale, because my goal here isn't to lose weight, it's to get control of my eating habits.
I'm going to go low carb in the sense of I'm going to knock the usual suspects out of my diet again - sugar, bread, pasta, rice, potatoes, etc. and begin eating more vegetables. Protein is never a problem.
The tough thing is the beer. I don't consider myself an alcoholic, but I have gotten into the habit of drinking beer 5 or 6 nights a week. I had four beers last night; I woke up with heartburn. Damn, that hurts too much. So, we'll see how long I stay on the wagon. I'm sure I'll be bugging you about it for a while now. Weekends are the worst; everyone drinks and there's always beer in the beer fridge at the drop zone.
A group of Christians are taking a page from the Free State Project and are trying to organize a movement to move to South Carolina with the eventual goal being to secede from the Union. Good for them, I say. Look: it's wrong to try to impose your will on other people. So it has to be frustrating for like-minded people to live in a place where they are forced to live by someone else's rules. Naturally this cuts both ways. The non-Christians who live in South Carolina may become a minority and will be forced to deal with blue laws and dry counties. Like I do; the price I pay for living in Alabama.
So what am I saying? Am I saying that I advocate the Balkanization of the U.S: libertarians move to New Hampshire, Christians move to South Carolina, Texans all move back to Texas (you know they're dying to become an independent republic again)? Why, yes I am. Liberals could complete their takeover of California.
Would it be so bad for the United States to become a loose federation, like the founders intended? Look at it this way: Wyoming or Idaho or Indiana would not be able to invade Iraq as easily as our mega-nation did. Small means less powerful. That's a good thing.
What about the minorities? The communist that has lived all his life in New Hampshire, the Muslims that live in South Carolina, the Chicagoans that moved to Texas? Either move, or deal with the laws and the customs of the State you live in.
Just like I do, now.
And by the way: the last time South Carolina tried to secede, it didn't work too well. Just a reminder.
Getting Things Organized
8 years ago
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