Monday, May 09, 2011

Picture is Unrelated

IMG_0473, originally uploaded by Sandra Maynard.

I can't exactly say nothing new has happened so the only excuse this time is sheer slackness.

So Alabama got whacked by a bunch of tornadoes, all of which thankfully missed us. We were without power until Sunday. Madison and Huntsville, where our jobs are, didn't get power until Monday afternoon. I was surprised at how little damage Hartselle sustained - I've seen much worse damage here from less powerful storms. Seriously, not a single pine tree was uprooted at the park.

When we finally got power, I was pretty stunned by the video, especially of what hit Tuscaloosa. Jon and I are going to get a storm shelter built at our new house because it just makes sense.

In all this I found another reason to love my new gas range.

The Saturday before the storms Brenden finally got a hit during a baseball game - matter of fact he got 2 hits, yay! The Dodgers lost though. Then this past Saturday was a repeat.


Lisa Erin said...

I'm glad that a bit of annoying power outage was all you got hit with. As you saw, plenty of people got slammed.

(on a side note...'42' has been dormant for active blog is

Anonymous Me said...

I hadn't even heard that the tornados hit anywhere near you until after you'd posted that you were fine - on Facebook, I think. That's great about Brenden's first two hits in a game. :-)