Thursday, September 09, 2010

Randomly Random Bits

Objects With Faces-Nonconfrontational Drain Cover is Nonconfrontational
see more Happy Chair Is Happy

I loves me some pareidolia and if you peruse the amusing photos at Happy Chair is Happy you will see faces in objects all day.

I rescued a full-grown box turtle from our pool. He fortunately hadn't been sucked into the whirling vortex of doom but he may have been swimming around in there for a couple of days. He seemed kind of groggy when I set him down in some shade but hey he's a turtle. Ok, a TORTOISE. I know the difference but the general tendency is to call them all turtles. Any way I brought him some romaine leaves but he eventually left without touching them.

I'm not watching anything else on tv these days but I have really come to enjoy Warehouse 13. It's not perfect, but the characters are starting to gel. I also can't help but like a show that not only passes the Beschdel* test consistently, I could swear that "THOU SHALT PASS THE TEST EVERY EPISODE" is inscribed in marble on the floor of the writer's room for that show.

*The Beschdel test is:
1) Is there more than one woman
2) who talk to each other
3) about anything other than men?

1 comment:

Lisa Erin said...

I quite like 'Warehouse 13', too. Completely agree about the characters. Find it interesting that they made HG a chick though.

I've got a few regular watches on Sci-Fi...WH 13, Eureka, and Star Gate Universe.

Have you ever watched Supernatural? Not a SF Channel show, but I really dig it.