Monday, July 26, 2010

Swingin' into high

IMG_6297, originally uploaded by Sandra Maynard.

I have the next two Star Trek discs but didn't have a chance to watch any. I did enjoy two movie blasts from the past this last weekend, although they aren't really past because plenty of people still watch both movies.

Monty Python and the Holy Grail In high-def on IFC, no less. I first saw it sometime after my 6th grade teacher had talked about it, on late night TV, when CBS did things like show movies instead of talk shows (cut to ribbons, of course. The Castle Anthrax scenes were totally missing). I was in the 6th grade in 1976. The only new thing for me was I had closed captioning on so I was finally able to understand the Knights of the Round Table song in its entirety.

We're Knights of the Round Table.
We dance whene'er we're able.
We do routines and chorus scenes
With footwork impeccable...

Anyway, it's a silly movie.

Star Wars: A New Hope Since Jon and Brenden play the Legos Star Wars game on the Will a bunch, we finally broke out our DVDs for the first three movies. I mean movies 4,5, and 6, which were the ones first filmed. Thanks a pantload, George Lucas, for the confusion.

You might have heard of it: farm kid kisses his sister, badass pirate likes to pet his wookie, and some huge athsmatic dressed head-to-toe in black likes to torture his children. It's a family film.

1 comment:

Ileana said...

I think your Abuela was pushing you high.....miss you bunches.....