Tuesday, July 13, 2010

A Blast (of Music) from my Past

IMG_4208, originally uploaded by Sandra Maynard.

I'm having a tough time coming up with things to write about. Those of you who are Facebook friends are probably grumbling that if I didn't spend so much damn time on Zynga games I'd have more time to watch movies. Mea Maxima Culpa.

However yesterday at work I was listening to a mix of old 80's tunes on my iTouch, and "No Thugs in Our House" came on. I suddenly had an urge to listen to nothing but XTC.

I only have 2 of their albums, Black Sea (1980) and English Settlement (1982) both of which I consider brilliant. Their sound is hard to describe - It's mostly guitar, bass, and drums (with the occasional odd instrument thrown in), and they wring the most out of their sound. I'd say it's mostly catcy pop tunes with a ska influence( especially Burning with Optimism's Flame, English Roundabout, Living Through Another Cuba), with some downright anthemic tunes nowhere resembling other 80's anthems ( Ball and Chain, No Thugs in Our House, Senses Working Overtime ) with some good poundy drums. I like me some poundy drums. The lyrics can get melancholy, but lean towards sardonic and even sarcastic more than outright anger (pretty much all of their songs).

XTC had earlier and later albums but they didn't stay with me the way these two have. The songs are timeless and could easily have come out a few years ago.

Anyway, one of the hallmarks of the 80's were music videos and the one below was the one that introduced me to XTC and made me go "WTF?"

I hope I can make Blasts from the Past a semi-regular feature. I have a big desire to plow through the original Star Trek series but I need to burn my farm first.


Alan Bowman said...

Let's do this right - XTC deserve more than one video.

Are You Receiving Me?
Towers of London
Respectable Street
Love on a Farm Boy's Wages

Somewhere I have a bunch of import XTC singles that I got at the record show that used to be at the old Castlegate Hotel every month.

Anonymous Me said...

I have (or Mark has) English Settlement - that's one of my favorite CDs! Great blast from the past.

I gave up farmwork, but I am raising some fish. And my latest obsession is Words With Friends on the iTouch - it's scrabble, there's a free version with lotsa ads. Wanna play? My username is nheigez.

Topcat said...

Nifty, Alan! The only other video I saw way back when was for 'Ball and Chain'. Thanks for the link!

Nancy: Get Black Sea if you can. Lots of good songs! And I downloaded the scrabble game - my user name is Topcat1436.
