Tuesday, May 25, 2010

A Beach on Jost

A beach on Jost, originally uploaded by Sandra Maynard.

Let's see, what's happening in the world? Lost and 24 ended, meaning I have nothing to watch. I have a bunch of Fringe in the queue, but it's not the same. Lost went out out well, even though not all questions were answered. I say it went out well because all the characters did things that made me love them, even the normally douche-baggy Jack. Like Battlestar Galactica, I have my own answers for the questions but don't feel the need to share them compulsively on every forum on the innertubes.

In other news I opened the pool. This year was the easiest opening on record, despite having to change the sand in the filter and repairing a crack in a pipe joint. I only pulled one dead animal out of the skimmer basket (a mole).

One semi-traumatic event happened this morning - I went outside to disconnect the automatic cleaner from the skimmer intake pipe, and jumped back because I saw a green head looking at me. About the same second as I registered the head belonging to a big frog, it got sucked into the intake pipe. I ran like mad and shut off the filter pump and Jon managed to free the frog. He was hurt but we let him go. Pools <> (or != for you VB folks) environmentally friendly.


Anonymous Me said...

You repaired your - what? - your crack pipe joint?

Good job on saving the frog. I hope he'll be okay. That would be traumatic. Poor guy.

Lachele said...


You mean C, right? :-)

<3 Linux.

I never realized a pool was such a pain.

Unknown said...

Nancy: The poor frog was in our pool this morning. He wasn't moving much. I fished him out and put him in some shade. Poor fellow.

Lachelle: D'oh! <> is VB and != is C, you're right. I should know this by now. Durrrr.

Lachele said...

No worries... It all begins to swirl after a while. Semi-colon or comma? Do spaces matter? )? ]? }? ???!!! What I need... What I NEEEEEEED... Is another programming language... Sigh.