Tuesday, June 02, 2009

New Kittehs

IMG_2975, originally uploaded by Sandra Maynard.

Here are our new family members. The black and white one in the foreground is my kitty, Zoe (pronounced Zo-ee). The grey kitty in the potty box is Player to be Named Later (so far). Brenden chose him out of the litter.

I asked B what he wanted to call the Kitty, and he said "CAT!". So we'll pick a name for him eventually.

Big Fat Kitty, who spent 8 years of his life terrorizing my kitty Vasquez, has discovered that payback is hell.


Helly said...

SQUEEEEEE! Teh cuteness! It overwhelms me...

Helly said...

P.S. I think you should name the little boy kitteh Spike.