Monday, May 11, 2009

Enterprising weekend

Star Trek USS Enterprise, originally uploaded by skookums.

So yes, Jon and I managed to get out of the house Thursday night and saw Star Trek. My review in a nutshell: J.J. Abrams is my new boyfriend.

If the idea of someone messing with Star Trek's canon bothers you, this movie isn't for you. It was, however, made for me. Specifically for me. If Abrams had called me on the phone and asked me what I wanted in a Star Trek movie not much of this movie would have been changed. I would have given McCoy and Scotty more to do at the end of the movie - it was the Kirk and Spock show at that point but *that's a quibble!* I expect they will do more in the sequels.

I laughed, I cried, I enjoyed my popcorn. This movie reminded me of just how big of a nerd I used to be am.

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