Friday, July 18, 2008

Happy kids that have nothing to do with this post.

DSC_0074, originally uploaded by Sandra Maynard.

What I'm Watching:

Not much, but I'll recap:

Jumper Kinda boring, even with interesting premise (teleportation) and Samuel L. Jackson.

Dairy of the Dead A George Romero zombie movie. I lost interest. WTF?

Out of the Blue I'm kind of sorry I watched this, it's about a true incident in 90's New Zealand where a nutbag went postal. I'm sorry I watched because it involved the death of kids (thankfully all off screen but still pretty haunting). I watched it however because my newest imaginary boyfriend, Karl Urban, is in it. You might remember him as Eomer in Lord of the Rings but he was hidden under a lot of hair. I'm totally excited that he's playing Dr. McCoy in the new Star Trek movie. I'm also thrilled that Eric Bana is playing a Romulan. Double-shot, woo hoo!

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