Monday, June 02, 2008

more cat pictures

More ado about nothing

My surgery is set for this coming Wednesday. Even though it's an outpatient thingy, I'm going to be in the hospital all day. Whee! I underestimated how much time I'd be out of work. I thought it would be a couple of days but my doc said it would be at least a week, maybe 10 days.

Ed and I agreed it was a great season of Lost. We think it was because it was a shortened season so the writers kept the fluff to a minimum and just told the story they needed to. And I'm glad Ben is alive. I still hate him, but he's the most fun character on the show. And I'm happy for Penny and Desmond, although they seriously need to find a deserted island somewhere to hide out.... ok maybe not an island.

Letter to Brenden Month 36 Hooray, in 4 days you are three! We still haven't potty trained you, although you have shown pretty good bladder control (I won't go into details) lately. Please quit taking off your loaded diaper. You keep surprising me with your vocabulary, for instance yesterday, you grabbed the spatula from sink and yelled "SPATCHA!"

You are loving video games a bit too much so we decided one of the things we were going to buy you is a video game console a bit more advanced than your age (but not a Wii). If you can play Call of Duty 4 you can handle the VTech console. You also have pretty much wrecked your dad's classic game controller - the one with Donkey Kong, Galaga, Pac-Man, etc. Fortunately all I have to do to get you away fron the controls is ask you if you want to go outside. The water was 80 degrees this weekend so we swam, swam, then swam some more. Despite my decisions to the contrary this month you will be taking swimming lessons. Enjoy, bud!

1 comment:

Anonymous Me said...

It kind of shocked me how immediately and profoundly Anthony took to video games. He plays MarioKart now every day. It's the first thing he does in the morning (while I finish sleeping), and his preferred activity any time. He talks about it constantly. And what amazes me is how much better at it he is than I am. I can never beat him in a race anymore.