Friday, June 13, 2008

Brenden at the Pool

IMG_1810, originally uploaded by Sandra Maynard.

Ugh. I'll write about my surgery, eventually. No, I'm not happy but it's not like any of my choices to begin with were going to make me happy.

So what have I done this last week, other than whine about my breasts? I finally played and finished BioShock. Twice. Fracking good game. It's a first-person shooter, most of which I don't like, but this one is the 'spiritual sequel' to System Shock 2, which was/is the best game ever. Instead of outer space, BioShock takes place in an underwater city, circa 1960. The designers were clearly inspired by 'Atlas Shrugged' and a better name for this game would have been When Galt's Gulch Goes Horribly Wrong. But no one would have bought it.

And hey! We've started potty-training Brenden. He's doing pretty good, so far. He has accidents, of course, but he's starting to get real good about using the facilities on command. I hope he soon starts asking us to use them. So far we ask him (about every 15 minutes).

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