Monday, May 05, 2008

Letter to Brenden Month 35

Pictureok 084, originally uploaded by Sandra Maynard.

You have quit with the hitting, at least other kids.

Sometimes you're funny: you will knock on my arm or leg, like knocking on a door, to get my attention. You constantly want my attention. Sometimes I just get so tired of you being in my face. I'm sorry about that.

Last weekend you were great at the pool store, good in the grocery store, and then things rapidly deteriorated from there. I took you into the hot tub Saturday. When we got out, I set you down and wrestled the cover on, only to discover that you ran around to the other side of the pool. I asked you to come back, and you refused. You played that game where if I walked towards you, you would move to keep the pool between you and me.

I finally noticed a big bug in the water and I pointed it out to you. You came around to look so I grabbed you around the waist, took you inside, and spanked you. Hard. In between your screaming and sobbing I tried to tell you why I spanked you.

What a load of good that did; you played the same game with me on Sunday.

I'm just about totally revolted by my lack of mother skills.

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