Wednesday, January 02, 2008

The Highlight of the Year

digging3, originally uploaded by Sandra Maynard.

This is my first day back to work and OH MY GOD I'M SO TIRED!

Happy new beer, everyone. First of let me recap the year that was:

Jan - Brenden learned how to meow.
Feb - Not much - the highlight seems to be I planned a vacation to the USVIs.
Mar - Definitely nothing happened.
Apr - Dad diagnosed with cancer.
May - St John vacation! Hooray!
Jun - Attempted to start brewing beer again. Vowed to wait until B is older to try again.
Jul - Visited Dad and Ilu in Tampa + Brenden broke his finger in the garage door.
Aug - Chattanooga train trip.
Sep - Brenden finally called me "mama".
Oct - Stopped on the way to work to help some people in an accident we witnessed.
Nov - Diagnosed with Breast cancer (2 days after dad was declared all clear).
Dec - Month off of work. The price was too high, though.

All told it wasn't a great year, but there have been better ones on the books.

This year Jon and I plan to:

1) Save up a huge chunk of money for an emergency fund - enough so that if Jon and I both lost our jobs we would be able to pay our bills for at least 6 months.

2) Afterwards tackle the mortgage like there's no tomorrow. Our goal is to have exactly 0 debt in 2 - 3 years. That's right, none. Right now our only debt is our mortgage.

-If both those goals make you think we've been listening to Dave Ramsey too much, you would not be mistaken.

3) We do plan to take a vacation - we're going to try a cruise. I'm not sure where to or when, but we wanted to try it out. To be honest I have a lot of really mixed feelings about being stuck on a big boat with thousands of people but I'd like to try it once.

4) Maintain my weight loss. I only shot up 3 pounds after my surgery. I quit eating low carb but am just now going back. I blame the chronic nausea for both things, which thank goodness has finally subsided.

5) The most important goal for 2008, however, is to toilet-train Brenden.

I still haven't blogged about my new computer. I have, however, bored you enough for one day.

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