Monday, October 22, 2007

Choo-Choo Belly

Belly, originally uploaded by Sandra Maynard.

I totally forgot to mention that the weekend before last Brenden and I came up to Huntsville to see a cat show. My sister had a cat in competition; a beautiful oriental longhair. Brenden was thrilled to see so many kitties, and he talked with a lot of them("Meow!" "Meow!!" "Meow." "Meow!") and got cross when he wasn't allowed to touch them. Andrea let him pet her kitty.

He got really grumpy so we left after a couple of hours and it turned out he had a case of CTF (classic toddler fever). He was better the next day. Andrea's cat placed pretty well, but I don't understand the intricacies of cat shows to explain.

This week Brenden impressed me on several accounts: he actually used a three word sentence which did not contain the word "dada". He said "More please milk!" so of course I got him some more milk. He's also gaga for strawberries. I can't really get him to eat vegetables but he will eat fruit. He's also way into Kielbasa and roast pork. He will actually ignore mac & cheese if the protein on his plate is good enough.

He of course did several things not so impressive: one we were playing on the bed and I smelled a distinctive odor - I asked him "do you have poop?" and he deliberately lied to me and said "no". I checked and he had a stinky. I left him on the bed to get the neccessary supplies, and he took his diaper off and sat down on the bed. I guess he was trying to be helpful.

He also, after his bath last night, ran around the house nekkid for a while (air-drying - giving his butt a break from all them diapers). Sometimes he leaks and that's ok, the floor is laminate. But he chose to piddle on my foot last night. No, I didn't rub his nose in it in either case. I did make him wipe up the pee, however.

Other than that, nothing new. I did see a couple of movies:

I saw Galaxy Quest again, which I love. I did see something new so I present a full-fledged Movie Review:

Ghost Rider: Bleh. Sloppy writing, Nicholas Cage. That is all.

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