Monday, October 02, 2006

Sleeping on the Quilt

Sleeping on the Quilt
Originally uploaded by Sandra Maynard.
This week will be an interesting week because monkeyboy is with monkeyman Jon up in Massachusetts where they are visiting family. I simply don't have any vacation time left this year. Everyone keeps saying "oh, you'll miss him so much" and I'm all "Hooray!". They're coming back Thursday, and I'm sure they'll be able to handle 4 days without me. Hey, I love my kid but I need a break. What am I going to do? Drink like a pirate and watch flesh-eating zombie movies, that's what.

Speaking of watching, Jon and I finished season 2 of Lost so we'll watch season 3 as it's broadcast. Kinda bummed by some of the outcomes of season 2, but I like a show that keeps me guessing, even though I'm better at guessing than some of the main characters, apparently. Only Sayid seems to have any common sense.

Season 3 of Battlestar Galactica starts this Friday, woo-hoo! We're almost done with season 1 of Veronica Mars but I have to wait until Jon comes home to watch the last disk. I guess I could always resort to Television Without Pity to figure out who killed Lilly Kane but that would be cheating. Both Jon and I are still wierded out by Logan and Veronica getting together. I'm TiVo-ing season 3 and I'll just store them until we catch up.

I think I told this story before but I wanted to tell it again:

Back in college I was living in sin with my boyfriend when one day he went out for a jog and returned with this very small black and white kitten. Will had a thing for cats and we already had 7 or 8 living around the house. I bitched at him; "why the hell did you bring another cat home?!!?"

He said "well I was jogging by this girl getting in a car and she had this little guy with her. She asked me if it was ours and I said 'no', so she said she was taking it to the pound so I said 'give her to me'".

How could I argue with that?

But anyway, this little cat was so small she probably shouldn't have been away from her mother. I ended up feeding her wet food. None of the other cats were given wet food, so when it came time to eat, she would be on my lap eating out of a little plate. I would be knocking back the other cats with my free arm so they couldn't get at the food. In that way she and I bonded.

Thank you everyone once again for the well-wishes and sympathy. I picked up Vasquez's ashes today and have decided to hang onto them for now. They are in a nice wooden urn that will go in a high place well beyond monkeyboy's reach.

1 comment:

Anonymous Me said...

I didn't know that story about the origin of Vasquez. That was really sweet. I remember all the cats in and around the bungalow, and the story of the time Will brought home KFC. . .

Enjoy your time alone. That sounds like a vacation to me! I know what you mean. A few days all by myself sounds like heaven.