Week 27
Didn't write much last week because it was such a boring week. I didn't have a single doc's appointment. The most intelligent conversation I had was with Big Fat Kitty, who I found standing on the kitchen counter last Wednesday.
Me: Kitty, why are you on the counter?
BFK: Meow (walks over to the sink, looks at it)
Me: Let me guess. Your water dish is empty?
BFK: Meow! (leaps of counter, scampers into laundry room. I follow him)
BFK: (standing next to his water dish) Meow, meow meow!
Me: There's water in it! What are you whining about (closer look) oh. Icky. Ok, I'll change it.
Me: (Goes to sink - drain drain, scrub scrub scrub, fill fill fill)
Kitty (from laundry room) MEOW!
Me: Hold your horses! (goes to laundry room and places dish of clean water next to impatient cat)
Me: Damn, what did you do to your water? It looked like you soaked your dry food in it. Bleah!
Kitty: Lap lap lap lap lap lap lap lap lap....
And no, I am not exaggerating this exchange. Cats may not be the sharpest tools in the shed, but they *can* communicate quite effectively when they want to.
I realize I forgot to tell you the amount of chicken to use in the Arroz con Pollo recipe. It normally calls for a whole chicken cut up, but I used 4 legs and 4 thighs. I much prefer dark meat.
As to the rest of the week, all I did was eat arroz con pollo for lunch and dinner. I still have some left over! For breakfast I had cornbread, of course.
I realized something quite interesting Thursday. I had one of my little "moments" and while I was crying miserably on my slightly miffed cat's belly, part of me stood back and just really listened to what was going on in my head. I now know exactly what is causing my moods: stress. Yeah, I know; no shit sherlock. Hey, YOU may have been able to see it, but I didn't.
One thing I got out of that book on introverts is how overwhelmed we get when we look at the big picture of anything. The stress that sets off these crying jags is caused by how overwhelmed I am at well, everything. The pregnancy was the cherry on top (and one can view the progesterone overdose as the chocolate syrup). This stress is caused by worrying about my marriage, this pregnancy, what I'm going to have to do when the baby arrives, trying to take care of the kid and my husband, will I ever skydive again, will my pregnancy interfere with my job, etc etc etc etc until: meltdown.
Right now when I'm feeling nice and happy and calm, I know I just have to take everything one step at a time, and just concentrate on one tree or two in front of me and not the whole frackin' forest.
Speaking of my pregnancy, same old same old. I am getting HUGE. I can tell a difference between me this week and last. Baby is getting more active; matter of fact Saturday at a Mexican restaurant, the kid was kicking the heck out of me and Jon got to feel it. I couldn't decide whether baby was saying "send more salsa!" or "Ow, mom, that's too picante!"
I'm starting to have difficulty sleeping (mainly because I have to take a piss every 15 minutes). I am putting a pillow between my legs and it does help me sleep on my side, but every time I wake up I am drenched in sweat and I'm worrying about how icky my pillow is getting. I'm definitely feeling the kicked up metabolism, which is great now that it's starting to get warmer. Bleah.
It's good to have my honey home. He is now a Master Rigger, and to celebrate we're buying him a sewing machine off Ebay. I teased him I'm going to buy patterns and cloth and he can practice by making baby clothes. Still, that would be a good skill to have. I'll have to have him show me how to use the machine once we get it.
He flew into Birmingham and was picked up by a skydiver. We met at the dz Friday evening. Every March we hold a 'Safety Day' where we entice skydivers to show up and are given refresher courses in airplane procedures, canopy control, and equipment maintenence among other things. The skydivers who show up get as much beer and pizza as they can stomach, plus they are eligible for cheap jumps on Saturday and Sunday.
Both Saturday and Sunday were windy, but we managed to have a pretty busy weekend. I taught a ground school on Saturday and part of one on Sunday. I made it a point on both days to take naps in the afternoon. It helped me a great deal to tolerate being around so many people for so long.
Jeez I'm in a yakky mood. I better stop now or I won't have anything to talk about the rest of the week.
Getting Things Organized
8 years ago
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