Week 17
Hey! This means I'm entering Month 5. I'll be halfway there in about 3 weeks. I'm doing ok; my athsma is still aggravating and I'm getting plumper by the minute. In an odd way I'm proud of my expanding girth. I can't explain why but I look in the mirror and I think it's impressive.
I should be getting the amnio results either late this week or early next week. I have my monthly checkup January 3rd so that would be a nice coincidence if I could get the results then. Speaking of the amnio: since I got poked a week ago I'm going to assume I'm not going to have a miscarriage because of said poking. More bullets dodged.
I hope everyone had a good Christmas. Ours was fine; I got some new pots and pans (I wanted them), Return of the King Extended Edition on DVD, and some jammies. If I had known how comfortable jammies were I would have bought some for myself a long time ago. No Spider-man jammies, though.
It was great having Jon at home even though he got a bit bored. He's just one of those people who needs to be doing something every moment. I bought him one of those game controllers that has a bunch of old games in it, like Super Mario Brothers, Galaga, Pac-man, Arkanoid, etc. He's been enjoying it.
I cooked a big dinner: a veggie platter (Jon's not big on cooked vegetables; come to think of it neither am I), ham, stuffing, mashed potatoes and gravy. Mmmmmm. Moose Tracks ice cream for dessert. Hey, did you know Campbell's makes a tasty gravy? Some would say blasphemy but I say if it tastes good don't worry about it coming out of a can. And the stuffing was Stove Top! Nyah nyah nyah! I do one thing with the stuffing mix; I dice about a half a cup of onions and celery each and saute them in a little olive oil and add that. Gives it a nicer flavor and a good crunch.
I have this entire week off for Christmas break at work. Woo-hoo! I intend to take it easy and bore myself silly. It will be the last time in a long time I'll be able to do this so this week is all about me!
Okay, I realize it's all about me all the time anyway. Bite me.
Getting Things Organized
8 years ago
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