Monday, November 08, 2004

Week 10

Every Monday I'll try and update on the little person in my belly.

I'm not feeling much in the way of symptoms; just sometimes I get really sleepy. I've also developed a sweet tooth, which I have to stop. Even Coke is starting to taste good again! I quit drinking soft drinks sometime during college.

I bought a stretchy pair of blue jeans today because even my fat jeans aren't fitting well. I weighed 148.8 this morning.

I taught a ground school and packed a reserve on Saturday, and afterwards I was dog-tired. I panicked when Jon talked everyone into going to a club; I begged out and he was ok with it. Just what I want: a loud club filled with cigarette smoke, surrounded by people drinking beer.

I actually have had no beer cravings, but besides the candy and coke binges, I am really craving sushi. I'll have to make some at home with cooked ingredients.

Sunday evening one of our King Air engines developed a problem. Annoying; thank goodness it was during the last load of the day so we didn't lose any business. The part that's bad will cost around 5 grand. I'm beginning to think that the best way to get a perm is to own an airplane and read the bills everytime you want a little curl in your hair. Having said that, I should have an afro by now.

1 comment:

Anonymous Me said...

Keep those updates coming :-) Have you had any dreams involving snakes? One of my Korean students said that snake dreams predict the birth of a boy. There's also a predictive rule about cravings. . . I'll have to ask again about that. I wore jeans with an elastic waste for most of my pregnancy. I just wore them like a guy with a big fat beer belly.