Thursday, June 17, 2004

Hey, I got a raise! And a promotion!

I'm now a Senior software analyst. Oh, goodie, more responsibility. Actually I don't mind. Sometimes I'm bored out of my skull.

So anyways: my husband and I finally remembered that TiVo is updated by telephone. We got rid of our land line. So now we're going to replace our networking hub with a wireless broadband router and connect the TiVo up to that. Transport that last sentence to 1977 and see how long it would have taken you to explain it to a denizen of that era. We are living in a science fiction future, except without all the kewl space travel. That's a shame; really.

I had a horrible, vivid nightmare last night featuring flesh-eating zombies. This nightmare had a supporting cast of character actors I recognized, and a soundtrack. I remember the music was more disgusting than the zombies. I remember a really chewed-up corpse tried to attack me while I was sitting on the john so I ripped its arm off and beat it over the head while I was screaming for help.

If anybody out there does dream interpretations let me tell you now: I do NOT want to know what that dream meant.

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