Woo-hoo! Last night on the Jack Bauer Power Hour: More Evil Women! Sweet! And a Platoon reunion, featuring Francesco Quinn and Kevin Dillon. I guess Johnny Depp was too busy being a gay pirate at that time.
Those episodes of 24 were eerily timely; torture aplenty was going on all over the place. To be honest, beating the crap out of someone who knows where a bomb is going off doesn't bother me. Threatening his family, though, ugh. I *do* like the solution they came up with - Industrial Light and Magic might become subcontractors for the Military Intelligence branches of the armed forces. For a moment, I thought Bauer had put the ultraviolet into black ops.
Since I'm all out of 24 disks, I'll have to watch something else tonight. I've been itching to watch more of the Office, the BBC comedy. Despite the accents the British apparently have the same type of office culture we have here. The kid who was in the British equivalent of the National Guard has me rolling most of the time. "I'm the assistant regional manager!" - "You're the assistant to the regional manager!" And like a lot of BBC programming, it gets away with stuff you just won't see on the networks. The huge inflatable penis, for instance.
I guess I need to go see Shrek 2. Considering how much of a hit Finding Nemo was last year and the strong box office Shrek 2 is doing, I have a feeling we're going to see more goofy animated films. The moral of this story, studio heads, is this: if you want people to enjoy your movies, don't smack them so hard over their heads with political correctness!
Both Shrek and Finding Nemo had some, but it was good! Amidst the fart jokes, Lord Farqhuad (*heh*) and "Eat me!" Shrek had a strong message about looks being in the eye of the beholder. Finding Nemo had a strong message about parenting, and not holding someone down because of his or her disability. Plus it had sharks on a 12 step program, bubbles, and "Mine. Mine! Mine? Mine!" Both movies were funny as hell and had a message without being pedantic. Whoops! I'm feelin a word of the day coming on!
ADJECTIVE: Characterized by a narrow, often ostentatious concern for book learning and formal rules: a pedantic attention to details.
Getting Things Organized
8 years ago
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