Not much of a weekend to write about. I was tired Saturday. So much I spent most of it asleep. I don't know if it was from overtraining, diet, or the pills I take occasionally for muscle spasms in my back. Most likely a combination of both.
I broke my 5th thoracic vertabrae in a car wreck when I was 15 years old. The muscles near that area on my left side sometimes spasm. Sometimes I need something stronger than Vitamin I to tamp down the pain. (That's Ibuprofen, by the way). The meds wash me out, though.
So I did not do any running Saturday. Sometimes its best to listen to your body. And all that sleep felt gooooood.
Sunday I awoke with a lot more energy, but the wind was gusty so I sat out at the drop zone and watched a lot of idiots land their parachutes. No one got hurt, thank goodness. I'm sorry, but if your canopy is undulating like a jellyfish, maybe it's best to go home and play computer games.
James Lileks is my soul brother. I wish I had half his talent. Here is something he wrote in Monday's bleat:
And so to Alien 3 . . . which begins with one of the greatest blunders every made in sequel history, right alongside some Paramount executive who said “Sure, let Shatner direct the next one. How bad could it be.” The third Alien movie begins by breaking your heart. It’s cruel. Anyone who had anything invested in the characters is instantly angered by the movie. Not by the story; not by the plot. By the movie itself. I don’t think it ever recovers.
I was so angry after the first 5 minutes of Alien 3 I found it impossible to enjoy the rest of the movie. Was it good? I have no idea.
Like I said earlier, I'm back on the diet hamsterwheel. I have been for the last 2 weeks. Let's go back in time to my first post from November:
Rule 1: Weight loss is a matter of physics. You have to eat less calories than your body expends in a day. That part hasn't changed, no matter who claims what.
Yep, this rule still applies. I'm eating below 1200, (around 1000) which is supposed to be a no-no, but it seems more effective. I don't know how much muscle mass I've lost, if any; I'm still doing the same exercises at the same reps in the gym so we'll see if this rate is too drastic.
Rule 2: A reduced carbohydrate diet is better than a reduced fat diet.
I have come to decide that the best diet in the world is the diet that works for you without compromising your health. That said, I still prefer low carb to low fat (though I seem to be doing a combo of the two).
Rule 3: Diets can be boring. Deal with it.
I'm dealing. I have never really had a problem here, anyways. I can go into 'feed the machine' mode and not worry about boring meals and eat the same thing day in day out. My husband, on the other hand, will bitch.
Rule 4: Tupperware (in the generic sense; that stuff's expensive)!
Stupid rule but it still applies. I love that cheap stuff in the supermarkets. When we moved I think I ended up with two large boxes of plastic containers.
Rule 5: Don't get obsessed by the scale.
Yep, I violate this one. Step on it every morning.
Rule 6: There is no rule 6.
There is still no rule 6. I don't care one way or another about poofters, though.
Rule 7: keep a log of what you eat.
I stick to this one. I'm not obsessing about macronutrient quantities this time around; I'm careful about the protein and the fats. Most if not all the carbs I'm eating are veggies and I simply estimate the calories from them. I have decided that there's nothing wrong with frozen veggies especially for things like curries and stir fries. They don't rot in the vegetable bin, for one thing.
Rule 8: Keep temptations away from you.
*Sigh* this rule can never be broken when it comes to beer. Jon brought some beer and some friends home last night. Yep, I had some. Too much. On top of a low carbohydrate, hypocaloric diet. So on top of a good hangover, the scale wasn't kind to my bloated butt.
It also makes the gym fun. I didn't have any problems endurance-wise this morning, but I was feeling a little pukey during the last reps of my last squat set.
Two weeks ago I weighed 136. Saturday I weighed 130.6. This morning I weighed 133.4. - 2.8 pounds of water weight packed back on. I know what it is but I'm stupid enough to let it affect me emotionally.
So on top of me nattering on about weight training and movies, you now will get to hear me obsess about my weight. I just want the cottage cheese butt to go!
Getting Things Organized
8 years ago
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