Monday, March 22, 2004

Monday. Four weeks into the latest diet.

The ECA stack seems to be working; it has curbed my appetite big time. So well I was alarmed on Saturday when I stepped on the scale at 127.2. Probably just dehydration.

Nothing special about this weekend; did a ground school Saturday and neither student got to jump because of the winds. I did 2 skydives, both fun jumps, and they went real well. One was a 9 point 6-way formation - I don't know if I ever explained that terminology. X - way simply means how many people were on the skydive. So a 6 - way is 6 people. 9 points means we did 9 different formations. Usually we practice four or five different points on the ground, then cycle through them until we run out of time/air.

Heh. What does skydiving and scuba diving have in common? In both sports if you run out of air, you're fucked.

The other dive was a 4-way 14 point formation. Sunday the winds were bad enough to ground me so I did nothing.

So I pigged out on Saturday, did not stay away from beer, and I weighed 131.4 on Sunday. I weighed 129.2 today. I did not Stack over the weekend; the last thing I need to do is do a skydive while under the influence of Ephedrine. I took the stack this morning and headed to the gym.

More humor - in honor of the jokes Nancy posted on her blog:

Why do all the trees in Alabama lean towards Birmingham? Because Alabama sucks!

Okay, that was plenty lame. I'm very fond of my adopted state, although I hate the dry county crap.

Did not watch anything of notice although Sunday I did watch the new South Park episode. As a somtimes Anime fan I laughed my ass off. Parker and Stone even got the ubiquitous and unremarkable Japanese pop song right - along with the occasional Engrish phrase thrown in (although I don't recall ever hearing the phrase 'protect my balls' in a japanese song before). And I'd love to know what those Japanese subtitles were really saying. I'll give it a few days and the translation will show up on the internet.

Yeah, I laugh at Engrish. I also laugh at Cartman's Jew jokes. I'm a bad person.

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