Tuesday, February 24, 2004

What a gorgeous weekend that was! I jumped 7 times; 3 student jumps and 4 fun jumps, including a sit-fly with my brother. Our little DZ needed a weekend like that. One of the student jumps was with a young man named Richard Winters, which tickled me to no end.

Well, I finished up the Forsyte Saga II and it did not end as bad as I thought it would. Matter of fact I was very happy with the ending even if it wasn't 'happy ever after'. Soames and Irene, both in their 60's, finally made peace. And since I was sniffling into my hankie on the couch, this leads me to my top 10 list:

Top ten movies/TV shows that have made me cry (in no real order):

The Forsyte Saga II
Near the end, Fleur expresses a great deal of hatred towards her father, Soames. She blames him for destroying her chances of marrying Jon. Jon's mother, Irene, was married to Soames, remember (also remember this is a soap opera). She left him after he raped her. Fleur lashes out at her father, saying he must have done something horrible to make Jon's parents hate her so much (they did. Boy I was pissed at both of them for blaming Fleur for what Soames did.) Soames tells Fleur exactly what happened. And in a jaw-dropper, he expresses great remorse for doing something so horrible to someone he loved so greatly. Soames up to that point has never expressed *any* emotion. Fleur sees the agony her father is in; has always been in; and forgives him. And I am a sodden puddle on my couch.

Untamed Heart
I curse forever my sister for showing me this movie. This is exactly the type of movie I detest. Usually I can sneer cynically through them, like I did with City of Angels or Phenomenon, but I shamefully cried at the end of this one.

Saving Private Ryan
I cried both during the invasion of Normandy sequence and the end, though I felt more manipulated at the end. Still. I know people think the violence is bordering on pornographic, but if you were to watch war movies from the 50's and 60's only, you would get the impression that most soldiers died of acid indigestion (they wince, clutch their chest, and slump down). I don't think it's a bad thing to show exactly what happens in war.

It wasn't Spartacus' death (oops, hope I didn't ruin it for you), it was the death of freedom through political machinations. Spartacus is very much a Libertarian-themed movie. I also got misty during Maximus' death in Gladiator, but I was left feeling manipulated.

Band of Brothers
Of course. I cried at the ending of the last episode, not for the men who didn't make it, but for the men who lived. Most of them put the war behind them and lived their lives. I was crying as Major Winters voiced over everyone's fate - I was hit with a big wave of melancholy as I realized those that the war didn't take were slowly being taken by time. At least they had lives, but it's still sad to think about.

The English Patient
A gorgeous movie with gorgeous actors. I don't find this movie romantic one bit. Well, a teeny bit. It is a horrible tragedy, a good illustration of the Law of Unintended Consequences, as two people have an affair and the destruction that follows. Very sad. *Sniff*

Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon
I was a basket case during that particular scene. Compare the characters in this movie to those in Love Story a movie that meant nothing to me. Honorable mention to The Ice Storm, another Ang Lee movie: when Kevin Kline bursts out crying at the end, so did I.

The Return of the King
When Frodo said goodbye to Sam Gamgee I was sniffling along with him.

12 Monkeys
Not being able to escape one's fate. Quite depressing. Honorable mention to Brazil, which left me teary-eyed as well.

Grave of the Fireflies
Oh, god. These were in no particular order, but this one is number One with a bullet. Emphasis on the bullet, which I would have gladly used on myself after watching this movie. This is a Japanese animated movie about two World War II war orphans. Holy shite I was a basket case after seeing this one. Absolutely guaranteed to make you bawl your eyes out.

I sent my first text message yesterday via cellphone. I am slowly being dragged, kicking and screaming, into the 21st Century.

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