Good news: we have rented out the old house. That's a load of financial worry off my mind. Unless they are late with payments.
We finally seem back into the swing of things since moving. I took it easy on Shoulders and Legs day at the gym, but it's been three weeks since we've done them so I took it easy weight-wise especially when doing squats and stiff-legged deadlifts. I can all ready tell though I'm going to be sore in the morning. Bad me! No cookie!
Spike TV (how cool to name a network after a vampire!) has this show called Extreme Elimination or something like that. It is kind of like "Iron Chef" in that it's an overdubbed Japanese show. The dubbing goes for yuks (aimed at 5 year old boys, just like the entire network); the only reason I watched more than 5 minutes of it was because I was shocked that any one would let themselved be abused on TV like that. Oh, who am I kidding? I was laughing at those poor fools.
It reminds me of a Dilbert strip, where Dogbert (who had acquired a large amount of money) offered a man $10,000 dollars to wallow face-down in a puddle of mud. He enthusiastically complied; and Dogbert said to himself "I don't see how rich people could ever get bored!"
I remember a conversation about Fear Factor, which is as close to that Japanese TV show as we've got; where I said if someone gave me $10,000 bucks, sure I'd chow down on a plate of roaches. I'd have to be guaranteed the money though. I wouldn't go through that kind of hell and humiliation for free! Or a chance to be on TV. Matter of fact, I try to avoid cameras.
Jon and I saw bits and portions of Extreme Elimination while watching VH1's I Love the 80's Strikes Back. I did not realize how weird the 80's were. The big hair, the music sung by guys wearing lipstick, and of course the beginning of the computer age (Atari 2600, anybody?).
I wonder if we realize that we are living in a science fiction world. I may be wrong, but as a child I don't recall any science fiction book predicting the World Wide Web. The first computer I learned to program was a Radio Shack Trash 80; now I own a cell phone that's ten times more sophisticated than that thing. I own an mp3 player that can store 20 gigabytes of information (or 5,000 songs, approximately). It can hold pretty much any type of data, however. I do seem to recall them predicting CD/DVD players.
I just heard a rumor that Ken and Barbie (who just broke up) were originally marketed as brother and sister. Great! Alabama Trailer Trash. And don't get on my case about stereotyping! When Jon and I went to the courthouse to see about our marriage license, the lady behind the counter told us the day before an uncle and niece tried to get hitched. Ew. Anyway, Barbie has thrown Ken over for an Australian Surfer Dude. Oh, yeah, that will last.
Speaking of Spike, FX is showing season 7 Buffy the Vampire Slayer episodes. I wish I had found out sooner because I missed the first 5 or 6 episodes of that season. As it is I did see one ep I hadn't seen before, "Selfless" which is about Anya's decision not to be a vengeance demon again.
Next to Spike, Anya was my favorite. In this episode we learn her origins as a vengeance demon and discover she has always been socially clueless, even before demonic status. We get a nice flashback to "Once more, with feeling", where Anya sings a song about being Mrs. Xander, then whammo we fast-forward to the present to see her pinned to a wall by a sword through her heart. Buffy-delivered, of course. Takes more than that to kill a demon though. I realize time was running short, but I wish she had gotten more of a eulogy at the end of BtVS than "That's my girl, always doing the stupid thing!".
And D'Hoffryn was kewl. "Never go for the kill, when you can go for the pain!" Very demony.
And it sucks about WB cancelling Angel. I have heard rumors that they are shopping the show around; maybe it will end up on UPN like Buffy did. Hell, maybe I'll be able to see it then! Here's hoping that no matter what Joss Whedon will get a job somewhere.
This blog entry is scattershot. Oh yeah, I found out the other day that they will not cut off Ewan's masculinity in the domestic release of Young Adam. Hooray, but I'll still have to wait until DVD, I bet.
Getting Things Organized
8 years ago
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