Thursday, January 20, 2011

Overkill is Underrated

IMG_4216, originally uploaded by Sandra Maynard.

We may have the planes sold - at least the guy buying them gave us a significant deposit and will pay the rest in a week or so. The holdup is paperwork - Jon just payed off the note which means the bank has to notify the FAA who are notorious for snail-like behavior. Seriously, they make the post office look like it's staffed with cheetahs.

After a long stretch of not really watching anything, we watched 3 movies on 3 successive nights. I've already raved about Inception - we watched Despicable Me on Tuesday and it was a good CGI cartoon about an evil villain who adopts 3 orphans to help with his nefarious plans to steal the moon. Last night I finally got to watch The A-Team, and man it was stupid. This movie is exactly the type of crap William Goldman was railing against. There is no way in heck I can completely dislike any movie with Liam Neeson in it though (Krull being the one exception). I also loved the show way back when so sue me, I liked it.

A new episode of Fringe is on (YAY!) Friday night (the Timeslot of Doom.BOO!).


Lisa Erin said...

Even the remake of 'The Haunting'?! Even Neeson walked out of the premiere of that one!

Unknown said...


Ha, I'd totally forgotten about that stinker! Yeah, that's a horrible movie. It does, however have one saving grace: Owen Wilson's death scene is awesomely funny!

Hope I didn't spoil anything for anyone.

Anonymous Me said...

I thought Despicable Me was surprisingly sweet and fun to watch. I have no plans to watch the A-Team, so you can spoil all you want.

I love this picture of Brenden!

Lisa Erin said...

Yeah, that was pretty durn funny. I saw it in the theater with a couple of friends opening week. With all of the laughter in the place you would've thought we were watching a comedy film. Well, we were (hah), but not an intentional one. I just tell people to see the original.