Tuesday, December 28, 2010

A Festivus for the Rest of Us

Festivus Pole, originally uploaded by freshfiction.

Yeah I know I stink.

So North Alabama gets a white Christmas and we're out of town. That figures. We were in Tampa, and I was in a tee-shirt for Christmas Day so there's that. We spent Christmas at my dad's house. I got to see both (brother) Jonathan and Andrew, which was a great bonus. I'm sorry that I get to see them so rarely. We met Jon's new girlfriend Niko, who stole Brenden's heart because she was totally game with playing with paper airplanes and pretend guns with him. Brenden wants her to know that she's invited to our house any time to play Wii.

We didn't do much except a trip to Busch Gardens which was fun. Brenden loved it, loved the train and the animals, the log ride, all the mega-jungle gyms they have all over the place. I'm definitely going to take him to 6 Flags over Georgia sometime next season for a weekend romp.

Brenden racked up the presents as usual for a kid: my brother Ed wins Best Present for Brenden again this year with a remote-controlled robot dinosaur that stomps around, roars, and bites things. Brenden loves it and the cats hate it.

I totally racked up the loot: my beloved iTouch was murdered by a heartless humidifier (I don't want to talk about it) so Jon gave me one of my presents a little early: an iPad! I love it. And I'm totally addicted to Angry Birds.

Dad and Ilu gave me several nice heavy-bottomed pots and a saute pan that I love - I threw out some of my cheapo scratched crap and I keep searching for different recipes so I can use them. The right tools/equipment for the job are always important. I also got a set of Japanese ceramic knives. I've wanted them ever since I saw one of those How It's Made episodes about them on the Discovery channel.

Jon also got me the entirety of Battlestar Galactica on Blu - Ray! Now all I need is some time....

Monday, December 20, 2010

Loading the Magic

Loading the Magic, originally uploaded by Sandra Maynard.

The drop zone has been sold. Jon spent the last weekend there and worked as a pilot - he seemed to enjoy the fact that every problem was Not His Problem.

Now if we could just sell the King Airs.

Brenden is doing fine - I'm glad school's out for Christmas break. He seems to be getting bored with the whole school thing. The next 12 years are going to be fun.

For Brenden's spring break, we're doing another Disney cruise. I really enjoyed the one we did last year.

I really don't have much to write about, and I'm sorry for the dearth of updates.

I will say this about What I'm Watching: I finally got through all the episodes of The Walking Dead. It's pretty bleak, that's all I'm saying. I like the old guy the best. Hope he doesn't become dinner any time soon.

Also, I was talking with my brother and he agrees with me: Fringe has rapidly gone from a "hey it's on, might as well watch" show to the best thing on TV since X-Files / Buffy / Battlestar Galactica / Lost was cancelled. Really, the third season so far has been a wonderful payoff for sticking with the series. So naturally Fox has moved it to Friday Night, the slot where TV shows go to die. Thanks a pantload, Fox! By the way, when Fringe comes back at the end of January, the first episode is appropriately named "Firefly".

Monday, December 06, 2010

funny pictures-Cthulhu
see more Lolcats and funny pictures

Even the Elder Gods were adorable babies.

My "big news" is we are in the process of selling the drop zone. Jon has officially HAD ENOUGH. He also wants to spend more time with his son.

Next weekend should be our last weekend. All I can say is HOORAY!!!!!