Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Toy Story

2 seconds of quiet, originally uploaded by Sandra Maynard.

Jon took Brenden to the doc's yesterday. It turns out his ear infection from a month ago hasn't cleared up so he's on another round of antibiotics. After the doctor's visit Jon took B to Walgreen's to fill his prescriptions and B got a noisy toy while they were there.

After Jon dropped B off at the babysitters, he went to his dentist appointment - he is getting a crown and the affected tooth has been bothering him. The dentist gave him a prescription and Jon gave me the prescription when he got to work and asked me to drop it off.

After I got off work, I went to the same Wal-Green's and dropped off the prescription. Because is was going to be a short wait, I decided to go browsing around the store while it was being filled. I wander into the toy aisle and I spot this little brown teddy bear that looks familiar. I picked him up, and I could have sworn it was Brenden's favorite. I inspected his back, and sure enough I saw the grey thread I had stitched him up with when he busted a seam.

Here's the interesting part: I felt really, really, bad for the bear! He was just sitting there on a shelf, looking forlorn because his kid Brenden had dropped him in his excitement on picking out a new toy.

I tucked Beary Bear (named after a bear Spongebob won from one of those toy crane slot machines ) under my arm, found a copy of a Stephen King book I haven't read yet (Duma Key), and got the prescription and left, ready to fight with any store employee who insisted I pay for Beary Bear (nobody did).

I brought him home and Brenden was delighted to see his bear, and he probably didn't even know he was missing. I promise you though come bed time he would have asked for him and Jon and I would have torn up the house looking for Beary Bear.

I have watched Toy Story one too many times.

1 comment:

Helly said...

Wow, what a fortunate coincidence that you found Beary! I still have my version of Beary Bear, whose name is Koko. On our way to Daytona Beach one summer, my parents had to turn around below Macon and drive all the way back to Atlanta because MY MOM FORGOT TO PACK KOKO! The horror...the horror...which is an excellent segue into another coincidence, the book I finished and put down about 3 minutes ago: Duma Key. Excellent spookeh Stephen goodness, IMO.