Monday, May 12, 2008

Brenden and Anthony

Brenden and Anthony, originally uploaded by nheiges.

Nancy, Mark, and Anthony came for a weekend visit. We had fun at a Decatur park and in the pool and hot tub - the pool is clean, clear, and open even though it's cold. Nancy came over to catch up on Battlestar Galactica season 4 and we made it through 4 out of 6 episodes. I'm so glad I can geek over the show with someone I know! Besides my brother Ed.

I stole this photo from Nancy's Flickr site. It's totally adorable; she took it just before they left on Sunday. And since Sunday was Mother's day, Jon gave me a terrific gift: a Brenden-free day! I dropped him at the drop zone (heh) and went home and did nothing but play computer games and snack on cheese and olives.

The olives were a Mom's day gift from Jon; the cheese was a birthday gift from my brother Ed and sister-in-law Jen. They sent us some cheese for Christmas which was TEH YUMMEH and I loved getting more.

The only useful thing I did was vacuum the worms out of my pool. They committed suicide during the night before's terrific thunderstorms.

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