Hey, I got tagged, and I have a short middle name: Linn.
L is for 'Lazy': If I had a million dollars, like Peter from Office Space, my fondest wish would be to do NOTHING. Actually I'd need about 7 million bucks - some to tuck away into investments and then a couple of million to buy some beach front property on a certain Caribbean island. Then I would DRINK BEER and DRAW FLIES for the rest of my life.
I is for 'Independent': I hate relying on other people. This gets me into trouble more than I would have thought.
N is for 'Nearsighted': No longer in the myopic sense thanks to surgery, but still in the spiritual sense. I can't see 3 days in front of me unless I really try. The fact that Jon and I have managed to put away almost 20K in an emergency fund is a damned miracle.
N is for 'Nerd': I'm a software developer. My favorite TV show is Battlestar Galactica. I can quote all of Hudson's lines from Aliens. My wardrobe is 75% tee-shirts and blue jeans with the other 25% being things I never wear. I started a flame-war almost 15 years ago about a minor character on the X-Files (I wasn't deliberately being a troll, though). My nerd creds are impeccable.
I tag no one, for they have all been tagged.
What I'm watching:
The In-Laws: I watched the version with Alan Arkin and Peter Falk (1979), not the one with Michael Douglas and Albert Brooks (2003). I have fond memories of a triumvirate of comedies from the late 70's / early 80's and this movie is the second one I've watched recently. The first was "S.O.B." which didn't hold up as well and the third is "Hopscotch" which I haven't watched yet but is in the queue. I can't compare the old version to the remake, but Roger Ebert's review was enough to convince me I haven't missed anything (no sock puppet?!!? WTF?).
The movie still works because Peter Falk's earnest nutbag CIA agent plays so well off of Alan Arkin's put-upon dentist. Can anyone do put-upon as well as Arkin can? I don't think so. The wierder things get the funnier his expression is. For instance, there's one scene where he's in a small jet and is listening to safety instructions in Chinese (James 'Lo Pan' Hong, always fun). The Chinese instructions are funny, but Arkin's thousand-yard WTF stare is what makes you laugh. And if anyone ever yelled "Serpentine! Serpentine!!" at you, this is where it originated.
Getting Things Organized
8 years ago
Your nerd creds made me laugh!
The sad thing is I really did start a flame war over Melissa, Scully's sister. In retrospect, very embarrasing. But jeez, she got shot in the head, get over it people!
Oh, I believe you. I remember you talking about it at the time, the x-files alt.something newsgroup, right? I didn't remember the topic, but the flame war part, I recall from the time. :-)
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