Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Find the raisin in the picture

raisinboy, originally uploaded by Sandra Maynard.

Hey, I got tagged, and I have a short middle name: Linn.

L is for 'Lazy': If I had a million dollars, like Peter from Office Space, my fondest wish would be to do NOTHING. Actually I'd need about 7 million bucks - some to tuck away into investments and then a couple of million to buy some beach front property on a certain Caribbean island. Then I would DRINK BEER and DRAW FLIES for the rest of my life.

I is for 'Independent': I hate relying on other people. This gets me into trouble more than I would have thought.

N is for 'Nearsighted': No longer in the myopic sense thanks to surgery, but still in the spiritual sense. I can't see 3 days in front of me unless I really try. The fact that Jon and I have managed to put away almost 20K in an emergency fund is a damned miracle.

N is for 'Nerd': I'm a software developer. My favorite TV show is Battlestar Galactica. I can quote all of Hudson's lines from Aliens. My wardrobe is 75% tee-shirts and blue jeans with the other 25% being things I never wear. I started a flame-war almost 15 years ago about a minor character on the X-Files (I wasn't deliberately being a troll, though). My nerd creds are impeccable.

I tag no one, for they have all been tagged.

What I'm watching:

The In-Laws: I watched the version with Alan Arkin and Peter Falk (1979), not the one with Michael Douglas and Albert Brooks (2003). I have fond memories of a triumvirate of comedies from the late 70's / early 80's and this movie is the second one I've watched recently. The first was "S.O.B." which didn't hold up as well and the third is "Hopscotch" which I haven't watched yet but is in the queue. I can't compare the old version to the remake, but Roger Ebert's review was enough to convince me I haven't missed anything (no sock puppet?!!? WTF?).

The movie still works because Peter Falk's earnest nutbag CIA agent plays so well off of Alan Arkin's put-upon dentist. Can anyone do put-upon as well as Arkin can? I don't think so. The wierder things get the funnier his expression is. For instance, there's one scene where he's in a small jet and is listening to safety instructions in Chinese (James 'Lo Pan' Hong, always fun). The Chinese instructions are funny, but Arkin's thousand-yard WTF stare is what makes you laugh. And if anyone ever yelled "Serpentine! Serpentine!!" at you, this is where it originated.


Anonymous Me said...

Your nerd creds made me laugh!

Topcat said...

The sad thing is I really did start a flame war over Melissa, Scully's sister. In retrospect, very embarrasing. But jeez, she got shot in the head, get over it people!

Anonymous Me said...

Oh, I believe you. I remember you talking about it at the time, the x-files alt.something newsgroup, right? I didn't remember the topic, but the flame war part, I recall from the time. :-)