Monday, November 05, 2007

Brushing kitty in the sunlight

Brenden Update:
Ever since his "Mama wagh! Mama wagh!" incident last Thursday when he told me he wanted some light in his room he has slept through the night. That's right; in a totally unprecedented streak, ever since I put a nightlight in his room he has slept through the night without waking us up !!!4 NIGHTS IN A ROW!!! I haven't slept this well since before I got pregnant. Also, instead of crying, he woke up at 5:30 (damn time change), and stood at the gate and said "Mama. Mama! Mama? Mama! Maaaaaamaaaa,...." So of course I got up and let him out. I think he's getting the hang of this whole "language = communication" paradigm.

Diet Update:
Ever since my first initial weightloss of 10 pounds (most of it water weight, I know), I stalled out but lost half a pound last week. You know I don't care if it takes 6 months to get back to 130. I'm not hungry, I'm sleeping better (especially since buying B's nightlight), thinking better, smelling better, have more energy, and am just generally in a better mood. I think my weight loss will accelerate a little bit once I start exercising regularly again. And you know what? If it doesn't no big deal. Besides, I have lost 10.8 pounds in the last 4 weeks so I'm not really complaining.

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