Tuesday, October 02, 2007


Malaprops R Us:

People really really REALLY need to pay attention to their spell checkers! I'm on record for screaming every time someone uses 'reign' when they mean 'rein', but these really burn my ass (as does a 3 foot flame):

Well, trying to time your purchase at the exact “perfect” moment is truly a fuedal effort.

I suppose if your clocks are from the Dark Ages.

When the show began I was a little weary about this character, but not so much anymore.

I'm a little leery of tired people, myself.

(They are) sifting through Jigsaw's latest grizzly remains and piecing together the puzzle.

Apparently, in Saw IV, the bad guy likes to kill bears. That's a refreshing switch!

I'll post more as I find them because malaprops are rampart on the web!

1 comment:

Anonymous Me said...

Those are fun! I'll have to keep my eye out for more. Like in my own blog!