Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Mostly dead and evil dead

Brenden can say "mama" and "dada" upon prompting now - no thanks to me. He's picked that up in daycare. Yes, I'm feeling guilty.

So that's my Brenden update for the week. This weekend I'm going to Georgia to my friend Nancy's to visit with her and her family, as well as newly-hitched Helly and Alan. I'm looking forward to a change of routine, and yes I'm bringing the rug rat.

I saw Superman last night, and I'm relieved to report it wasn't the cheeseball fest that Superman II was. I'm not going to add to all the speculation about why Richard Donner got shitcanned and what happened with the sequel. It's a crying shame, is all I'm gonna say. Something tells me the producers told Donner to tone down the dark stuff (re-watch it for nothing else than Lois Lane's death. That's some pretty harsh shit right there!) and he told them to kiss his ass. And another promising movie franchise goes down in flames. I am now totally intrigued to see Bryan Singer's spin on the story.

I have 2 more movies to add to the list:

8)Robocop: This movie is extremely violent and cynical but it's a late 80's classic. What's not to love about ED-209? Robocop would have been totally bankrupt if it weren't for Peter Weller bringing so much humanity to the cyborg. It also brought us Kurtwood Smith as an Evil Bad Guy and he was absolutely fabulous!

9)Evil Dead II: If you haven't seen this movie, why not? It has chainsaws, shotguns, eyeball swallowing, posessive demons, and Bruce Campbell.

I had a C-T scan of my sinuses yesterday. Guess what? I still have a sinus infection. My doc has referred me to another doc. Can you say functional endoscopic sinus surgery? Well, I won't jump the gun but everything I have read makes me think that is what he'll suggest. We shall see.

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