Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Paint your Wagon

Originally uploaded by Sandra Maynard.

Today is random nattering day:

I do have new photos of Brenden on one of our daily neighborhood excursions - I've just been too lazy to post them.

Brenden's 12 month checkup went well. The doc was pleased with his development. The one thing I liked most was his physical development has been in the 98% since he was born - but on this visit his weight dropped to the 50% level. In other words, he's still growing like a weed but ever since he learned how to walk he's been burning up the calories. That's good because when he was in the hospital the doctor kept making comments "Wow, he certainly doesn't miss a meal!". It kind of upset me because I didn't see Brenden as obese. Now he's pretty skinny. I also don't force his food. Mealtime is over as soon as he starts showing disintrest with his food (usually signalled by using his sippy cup to mash whatever is on the tray).

Speaking of doctors, I have previously mentioned my sinus infection. What I haven't talked about is the doctors I have been seeing. I've been going to my general practicioner for these infections since my first one this past November. Stupid me, I didn't equate sinus problems to my allergy problems. At my last visit my doc threw his hands in the air and said go see a specialist. I asked what kind, he said "an allergist". Oh.

So I went to see my way cool allergist Dr. Krishna, who has made some recommendations and prescribed some meds. I should have gone to see him in the first place.

Dr. Krishna took a personal interest in my problems when I first went to see him during the 2nd trimester when I was having such horrible problems with athsma. He really seemed to care about me. It's so common for doctors not to show compassion these days, and considering how busy they tend to be it's no wonder they can't remember you from visit to visit. I really like my doc.

I don't think everything is cleared up, however; I still can't smell anything. Once the prednisone prescription was finished I slowly sank back into an odorless world. I have another appointment in a week; in the meantime I'm working with a 'home' remedy which consists of me snorting salt water. Actually I use a dropper to put salt water up my nose. What I need to do is spend 2 weeks at the beach and go swimming every day. That will burn the infection out!

Speaking of beaches, even though I haven't been to one since I got pregnant, I dream about it a lot. We're hoping to go somewhere next summer, maybe with my brother Ed and his wife Jen (they both Scuba dive). So I poke around alot on the web and I found this amusing site about building a villa on St. John. It's a nice place to visit, but I wouldn't want to live there. Unless I won the Powerball and didn't have to worry about money at all. But anyway, the blog starts out so optimistic and slides into slow panic and despair as deadlines are missed and budgets are blown sky high.

But like I said, it's a nice place to visit. Here is a relatively short trip report with some great pictures that someone posted:

Part 1

Part 2

At least look at the pics if you want to blah through the travelogue.

1 comment:

Anonymous Me said...

In the pictures, Brenden has never looked fat at all. Anthony doesn't look fat to me either, and isn't according to the height/weight chart for his age, but people like to comment that he's "so big." Whatever. I'm glad to hear you have a good allergist. HAve you had the allergy tests where they stick you with many things and tell you everything you're allergic to?